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Trying to understand how I doubled the pass rate in a first year course
Steve Draper,
Department of Psychology,
University of Glasgow.
See link to this paper on the conf. website:
Title: Trying to understand how I doubled the pass rate in a
first year course
Date/time: Thursday 17 April 2012.
Session: 7C, 16:10pm - 16:40pm
5th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference
Place: G255 (Humanities lecture theatre)
How to get there:
Main (Gilbert Scott) building → West Quad → SouthWest corner.
Campus maps:
Map location tag: A8
Floor plan map
Eric Yao
School of Physics & Astronomy,
University of Glasgow
Steve Draper,
School of Psychology,
University of Glasgow.
Over the last four completed Sessions for a first year service teaching course
on physics the pass rate has fluctuated (in rounded figures) 40%, 67%, 38%,
95%. The teaching approach was changed each year too. Since it is reasonably
certain that the fluctuation has not been in the quality of the incoming
students, and the teacher has not changed, it seems that a winning design has
now been found.
This talk describes five explanations of the success, and how well available
data supports each. These are:
- "Teacher monitoring": active monitoring of and commenting on each
student's work (whether it is handed in, what marks it gains) by the course
leader, which may give a student a sense of being "known" and noticed.
- "Self-regulation". All students necessarily manage their attention
and effort, but how they do so makes a big difference to their eventual
performance (cf. "time on task"). Aspects of the course support this better
than previously.
- "2-dimensional feedback": In HE, most feedback gives a student a
sense of how they did compared to the other students in the class. In
schools, students often get "ipsative" feedback that comments on how this work
compares to their own work on previous assignments: an independent dimension
of comparison (within-students comparison). This course, unusually, offered a
degree of both.
- A careful redesign of the opening section of the course meant that
(most) students began with an experience of successful learning, instead of
being puzzled and unsuccessful at the first topic. Perhaps early success sets
a student's expectations and elicits more successful effort and learning later
- In previous years there was typically one student clearly better than
the rest. In the most recent year, there were several of these. A single
egghead may be dismissed as a model of what is possible, but a group sets a
tone in the class of doing well that pulls the rest upwards.
In order to book online and obtain further information about the conference,
please visit
5th Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference.
Otherwise contact
Fiona Bell on extension 2621, or at
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