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This workshop will present the major steps in the argument, debating each separately with the audience: feedforward is more use than feedback, feedback is more important for procedural skills than for declarative (conceptual) knowledge, the most important kind of skill is that associated with operationalising underlying assessment criteria (the threshold concepts that actually matter). If each step, plus their combination, stand up to that scrutiny, then the conclusion offered will be that focussing staff feedback to students on a few core disciplinary assessment criteria can bring outstanding results even when combined with complete neglect (as regards feedback) of three quarters of the programme (as measured by credits). Obviously feedback fundamentalists should not attend, as there may be strong blasphemy from the outset.
In order to book online and obtain further information about the event, please visit http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/events/detail/2010/academyevents/29_jan_rethinking_assessment_practice_around_feedback Otherwise contact Robert Jenkin at robert.jenkin@heacademy.ac.uk
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