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Title: Ways to improve learning with EVS:
some deep procedures for teachers, and what software features matter for these.
In order to book contact:
Audrey McConnach: "audrey AT elearningalliance.org"
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Date/time: Tuesday 29 Sept 2009. Meeting: 10:30am-3pm
(my own slot: 13:00-14:00).
University of St. Andrews,
Parliament Hall (bldg no. 67)
Steve Draper,
Department of Psychology,
University of Glasgow.
PDF file
Related material:
Learning gains depend not directly on technology, but on what the teacher does
with it: the learning design. In this talk some of the EVS-related learning
designs I consider most promising are introduced. These frequently span more
than one vote, and may span more than one session or day. Another important
issue is that it is not enough to pose a question to vote on: what is the
presenter then going to do with the votes? All of these issues serve to focus
attention on not the planning but the actions of the presenter; and that in
turn focusses attention on features of the software that make these dynamic
actions easier or harder.
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