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Title: Formative MCQs, Peer Interaction, and Deep Learning Slides:
There are three "pillars", or underlying principles, which a number of
different successful and evidence-based techniques derive from.
Bloom's "Mastery learning" is a technique demonstrating how powerful true
formative assessment (perhaps with MCQs) can be.
A first testing is diagnostic, then each learner immediately works on the
weakness identified i.e. on the questions they got wrong. After that remedial
study, re-testing demonstrates to the learner (and to everyone) how effective
this is.
Deep learning has been important to the education literature in that work on
it has demonstrated to teachers how little their students have understood what
they have learned (and passed tests on) in terms of relating the new material
to its connections to everyday applications of the material. What most think
is desirable is that learners process the new material more deeply by making
connections from it to various things they know already.
(In fact one effect of surface learning, or imperfect learning, is that
learners do not even recognise that two MCQs are about the same concept if
they are not worded identically. So MCQs may be quite capable of testing for
deep learning by using subsets of questions which to the teacher are redundant
and repetitious but to weak learners are unrelated.)
If we want to test for whether learners understand the reasons for a fact or
concept, then simply asking them may be done by MCQs: by assertion-reason
Another technique is Reciprocal Peer Critiquing (RPC), where students are
required to judge their peers' work. This helps them by exercising their
ability to judge as a reader, instead of only as an author writing their own
essays. And disagreements with peers provokes more thinking about whether the
judgements are right or not. There is successful software (Aröpa) to help
manage such exercises in big classes; not only doing the admin, but collecting
subsequent feedback judgements on how helpful their critiques are judged by
the recipients.
Mazur's "Peer instruction" uses MCQs of a special kind, brain teasers, to
provoke discussion amongst peers within large classes about which answer is
right. This has been widely successful, with large effects.
Without explicit directions, peers naturally express reasons for the answer
they favour. The disagreement in the class about the right answer provokes
uncertainty and a desire to resolve it. The discussion, by eliciting reasons,
provokes deeper learning: that links answers to reasons.
Getting learners to "teach" peers is another long established tactic.
One version of this is to require students (usually in small groups) to author
MCQs for the rest of the class, complete with built in feedback explaining why
each option is correct or wrong. Again, the need to link reasons to "facts"
provokes deep learning.
The "PeerWise" software manages the use of this in large classes; and supports
not only student use of the questions peers have designed, but also student
ratings of the quality of each question. Again, this approach induces deep
learning partly by engaging peer interaction, and also provides material for
formative feedback to members of the class who use the created resource (bank
of MCQs) to test themselves.
Workshop announcement, and sign-up
Matteo di Tina
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Date/time: Tuesday 9 May 2017. Session: 1:45pm - 4pm,
(my own slot: 3:15pm - 4:15pm).
MCQs and Deep Learning Workshop: A Possible Fix?
Steve Draper,
School of Psychology,
University of Glasgow.
PDF file
Related material:
This talk discusses, with a view to improving practice in HE learning and
teaching, the relationships between formative feedback, peer interaction, and
deep learning; with particular focus on the uses of MCQs for this purpose.
Three catalysts for this are: simply being asked to say how
confident you are about an answer; getting immediate feedback on whether your
answer is right; and being asked questions, not about facts but about which
reason is the correct justification for a fact or theory.
Three ways of using peers as a prompt to re-evaluate one's
confidence on a topic are: getting learners to design an MCQ; getting learners
to critique a peer's work; and getting peers to discuss which answer for an
MCQ is correct.
In the former some learning may occur, but in fact the most efficient
way to run a concrete project is by specialisation of labour, where you work
on what you know best, and have only a secondary interest in learning from
others. Any learning is an extra cost for no extra benefit in terms of the
overt task (the product). Thus most groupwork in HE militates not for but
against learning. However there are learning designs that avoid a joint
product and succeed in prompting academic discussion ("constructive
interaction") that corresponds to the kind of thought-provoking discussion
that moves our understanding forward and deeper.
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