This is a WWW document maintained by Steve Draper, installed at (Document started on 15 Feb 2010.) Last updated on 1 Jan 1970.

Search the menus of teaching timetable database

You can inspect the timetable by any one of: the week, the lecturer, the level, the course (module).

Today is:   Tuesday 16 July 2024.

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To see the week's timetable for one level, click on one of these buttons:

Search string for a course (code or description; code insensitive; multiple words OK):

To see the timetable for one module, click on a course.     [
Level1 2 Psychological Studies ("designated") 3 4 Conversion MSc PGT MRes taught postgrad 9
Abnormal Psychology

Biology - Brain

Biology - Brain And Behaviour

Biology - Learning

Cognitive Neuroscience

Experimental Design And Statistics

Health Psychology

Human Development

Individual Differences

Introduction - Scope Of Psychology



Perception And Visual Cognition

Social Psychology


Applied Psychology

Cognitive Psychology

Developmental Psychology

Experimental Design

Individual Differences


Perception And Visual Cognition

Progression Meeting


Social Psychology

Research Methods And Statistics

Atypical Development

Concepts And Historical Issues

Perception And Visual Cognition


Professional Skills

Psychological Studies: Current Issues In Psychology

Research Methods I

Social Psychology

Careers Talk

Cognitive Psychology

Concepts And Historical Issues

Human Development

Individual Differences


Introduction To Level 4


Perception And Visual Cognition


Professional Skills

Reading Party

Social Psychology


Advanced Evolutionary Psychology

Advanced Qualitative Methods

Atypical Development

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Cognitive Neuroscience Insights

Cognitive Neuroscience Of Ageing

Computational Neuroscience

Concepts And Empirical Results In Education

Exam Preparation

Fmri Biopsychology

Forensic Psychology


Interaction And Communication

Language And Meaning


Neuropsychological Deficits

Neuroscience Of Decision Making

Positive Psychology

Psychology & Biology Of Mental Disorders

Psychology Careers Talk

Sleep And Circadian Timing

Social Cognition

Visual Awareness Of Free Will

Advanced Evolutionary Psychology

Advanced Qualitative Methods

Atypical Development

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Cognitive Neuroscience Of Aging

Cognitive Neuroscience: Insights Into Brain Plasticity

Cognitive Psychology

Computational Neuroscience

Concepts And Empirical Results In Education


Forensic Psychology

Human Development

Individual Differences

Interaction And Communication

Language And Meaning


Neuropsychological Deficits

Neuroscience Of Decision Making


Positive Psychology

Psychology Of Biology And Mental Disorders

Research Methods

Sleep And Circadian Timing

Social Cognition

Social Psychology

Visual Awareness To Free Will

Cognitive Psychology

Concepts And Historical Issues

Human Development

Individual Differences

Professional Skills

Psychological Studies: Current Issues In Psychology

Social Psychology

Abnormal Psychology
Biology - Brain
Biology - Brain And Behaviour
Biology - Learning
Cognitive Neuroscience
Experimental Design And Statistics
Health Psychology
Human Development
Individual Differences
Introduction - Scope Of Psychology
Perception And Visual Cognition
Social Psychology
Applied Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Experimental Design
Individual Differences
Perception And Visual Cognition
Progression Meeting
Social Psychology
Research Methods And Statistics
Atypical Development
Concepts And Historical Issues
Perception And Visual Cognition
Professional Skills
Psychological Studies: Current Issues In Psychology
Research Methods I
Social Psychology
Psychological Studies ("designated")
Careers Talk
Cognitive Psychology
Concepts And Historical Issues
Human Development
Individual Differences
Introduction To Level 4
Perception And Visual Cognition
Professional Skills
Reading Party
Social Psychology
Advanced Evolutionary Psychology
Advanced Qualitative Methods
Atypical Development
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Cognitive Neuroscience Insights
Cognitive Neuroscience Of Ageing
Computational Neuroscience
Concepts And Empirical Results In Education
Exam Preparation
Fmri Biopsychology
Forensic Psychology
Interaction And Communication
Language And Meaning
Neuropsychological Deficits
Neuroscience Of Decision Making
Positive Psychology
Psychology & Biology Of Mental Disorders
Psychology Careers Talk
Sleep And Circadian Timing
Social Cognition
Visual Awareness Of Free Will
Advanced Evolutionary Psychology
Advanced Qualitative Methods
Atypical Development
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Cognitive Neuroscience Of Aging
Cognitive Neuroscience: Insights Into Brain Plasticity
Cognitive Psychology
Computational Neuroscience
Concepts And Empirical Results In Education
Forensic Psychology
Human Development
Individual Differences
Interaction And Communication
Language And Meaning
Neuropsychological Deficits
Neuroscience Of Decision Making
Positive Psychology
Psychology Of Biology And Mental Disorders
Research Methods
Sleep And Circadian Timing
Social Cognition
Social Psychology
Visual Awareness To Free Will
Conversion MSc PGT
Cognitive Psychology
Concepts And Historical Issues
Human Development
Individual Differences
Professional Skills
Psychological Studies: Current Issues In Psychology
Social Psychology
MRes taught postgrad

Still to do

Could redo whole code, using a data structure that put all the courses into
one (not 6 levels) of hash array.  Would probably make matching easier.

Possibly just report multiple hits, not jump straight to one of them.
Could do this, but not worth it in this application judging by my trials.
If I did then:
	Go through collecting matches in a queue of codes, and one of descrips
	Sort -u both queues
	Go through each queue, expanding a match into a triple
	Somehow detect dups in result
	If exactly one match: jump there; if none, re-show query page but say
		no match.
	If more than 1 match, query page and list matches under the input box

Do hier search e.g. \W boundaries, then slack off.

Should search for multiple words sep. and in combo: not just as strings.

[I.e. 3 diff. search improvements: report multiple hits; hier. search quality
of whole/part words;  search for multiple words separately. ]