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Marianne Patera's education studies

Passport photo Graduation solo This page leads to Marianne Patera's work on education and 3D visualisation. Her PhD work has sought to establish some cases of applying 3D visualisation technology that achieve definite educational benefit in learning Art and Design subject matter.
Other pages presenting her post-PhD persona include: her Salford lectureship and her media psychology post.
Graduation+Midge Graduation+Avril Her completed PhD thesis: The potential of 3D visualisation technology in Art & Design education (2009) (Glasgow School of Art)
Portrait Portrait
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Patera, M., Draper, S.W. & McWhirr, M. (2005), "A Novel Approach to Colour Education and Comparative Testing of Physical and Digital Versions" In Proceedings of Designs on e-learning: 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology in Art Design and Communication, (London, UK, 14-16 September) [The abstract was published in the Conference's programme and the full paper on the CD Proceedings, and here as PDF.]

M. Patera, S.W. Draper and M. McWhirr (2005) "Using educational theory and advanced technology in colour education" In Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Colour Association AIC 05 Granada, Spain, 8-13 May pp.77-80. [The full paper was published in the Proceedings book and on the CD] A longer, perhaps rougher, version of this paper.

Patera, M., Naef, M., Draper, S.W. (2006), "The Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing" In Proceedings of the 4th International Narrative and Interactive Learning Environments Conference (NILE 2006) Edinburgh, Scotland, August 8-11, pp.67-75. [The full paper was published in the Proceedings, and here as PDF.]

Patera, M. & Draper, S.W. (2007) "Immersive 3D visualisation and teaching colour use to interior designers" CAL'07 (Computer Assisted Learning) Development, Disruption & Debate, 26-28 March, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. [the abstract was accepted for poster presentation, the abstract was published in the conference abstract book]

Patera, M. & Draper, S.W. (2007) "Colour & Interior Design: Using Virtual Reality Technology to Study the Effects of Scale" Designs on e-learning, 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology in Art Design and Communication 12-14 September, London, UK. [short paper accepted and presented. The abstract was published in the Conference's programme, the paper will be published on the CD proceedings and online]

Patera, M.& Draper, S.W. (2007) "Do Immersive Environments Improve Interior Design Students' Apprehension of Space?" Designs on e-learning, 2nd International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology in Art Design and Communication 12-14 September, London, UK. [full paper accepted and presented. The abstract was published in the Conference's programme, the paper will be published on the CD proceedings and online]

Patera, M., Draper, S.W. & Naef, M. (2008) "Exploring 'Magic Cottage': A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing" Interactive Learning Environments vol.16 no.3 pp.245-263

Patera, M. (2009) The potential of 3D visualisation technology in Art & Design education (Glasgow: PhD thesis, Glasgow School of Art)

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