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Curriculum Vitae

Stephen W. Draper

Born: 11 March 1950
Nationality: British

Contents (click to jump)

Subsequent Posts
Research grants held
End (most recent papers)


B.Sc. (1st class) in Physics. University of Sussex 1973
M.Sc. in Computer Science. University of Manchester 1975
D.Phil. in Artificial Intelligence. University of Sussex 1980

Subsequent Posts

Nov. 1980 - March 1985: I held a series of posts at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) in the Cognitive Science laboratory of the Psychology department: Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, Postgraduate Researcher, Assistant Research Cognitive Scientist.

May-July 1983 I also worked with Elliot Soloway in the Computer Science Department of Yale University as a visiting fellow.

April 1985 - March 1987 I held a SERC IT Advanced Fellowship in the laboratory of Experimental Psychology at Sussex University.

April 1987 onwards: I hold a lectureship at Glasgow University; originally jointly in the departments of Mechanical Engineering and Psychology, now solely in Psychology. Promoted to Senior Lecturer from October 1994.

Research grants held

"Conceptual Change in Science" ESRC £34,980 October 1988 to Sept. 1991.

"An environment for creating innovative iconic interfaces" SERC £92,762 July 1989 to Dec 1992.

"Measurement of user interface performance" SERC/IED October 1989-March 1993. £150,229.

"Temporal aspects of Usability" by England, Draper, Gray, and O'Donnell. Value about £100k. Oct 1992-Sept. 1995. From the JCI (ESRC, MRC, SERC).

"Teaching with independent learning technologies (TILT)" UFC 3 years 1992-1995. £0.75M Gordon Doughty and ~25 others.

"Temporal and situated aspects of data" 3 years April 1995 - March1998 £81.5k SERC (EPSRC) with Richard Cooper.

"MANTCHI (MAN tutoring in computer-human interaction)" Jan. 1997-July 1998 SHEFC. £135,000 (Glasgow share £36,830). With 3 other sites.

"Generic Remote Usage Measurement Production System" (GRUMPS). Jan 2001-Dec 2003. EPSRC £274,699 Malcolm Atkinson, Philip Gray, Steve Draper. ?GR/N38114/01 Part of DIS initiative (distributed information management systems).

Bibliography (in chronological order)

Jump to the end (most recent papers)

"Review of Grape's thesis 'Model-based (intermediate level) computer vision'" AISB Quarterly (1977) no.27.

"One possible relationship between AI and psychology" AISB Quarterly (1978) no.29.

"The Penrose triangle and a family of related figures" Perception (1978) vol.7 pp.283-296.

"Optical flow, the constructivist aproach to visual perception and picture perception: A reply to Clocksin" AISB Quarterly (1979) no.33.

"The psychological relevance of the perception of pictures and line drawings" AISB Quarterly (1980) no.36.

"Using models to augment rule based programs" AISB conference proceedings (1980) Amsterdam.

"The use of gradient and dual space in line-drawing interpretation" Artificial Intelligence (1981) vol.17 pp.461-508. Also reprinted in J.M.Brady (ed.) Computer Vision (1981) pp.461-508 (North-Holland: Amsterdam).

"Classifying bugs is a tricky business" with L.Johnson & E.Soloway Seventh annual NASA/Goddard software engineering conference (1982) Baltimore.

"An effective bug classification scheme must take the programmer into account" with L.Johnson & E.Soloway ACM SIGSOFT/SIGPLAN symposium on high-level debugging (1983) Asilomar.

"Questionnaires as a software evaluation tool" (R.W.Root & S.W.Draper) Proc. CHI'83 Human factors in computing conference (1983) Boston pp.83-87.

"Software engineering for user interfaces" (S.W.Draper & D.A. Norman) Proc. 7th international conference on software engineering (1984) Orlando (IEEE) pp.214-220

"The nature of expertise in UNIX" in B.Shackel (ed.) Human-computer interaction — INTERACT '84 (1985) (North-Holland: Amsterdam) pp.465-471.

"Constructive Interaction: a method for studying HCI" (C.E.O'Malley, S.W.Draper & M.S.Riley) in B.Shackel (ed.) Human-computer interaction — INTERACT '84 (1985) (North-Holland: Amsterdam) pp.269-274.

User Centered System Design edited (D.A.Norman & S.W.Draper) (1986) (Erlbaum: London).

"Display managers as the basis for user-machine communication" in User Centered System Design eds. D.A.Norman & S.W.Draper (1986) (Erlbaum: London) pp.339-352.

"Machine learning and cognitive development" in J.C.Rutkowska & C.Crook (eds.) Computers, cognition, and development (1987) (Wiley: Chichester) pp.255-280.

"Explanation, paradox, and abduction" Proc. of 2nd Alvey explanation workshop (Jan. 1987) pp.10-23.

"A user-centered concept of explanation" Proc. of 2nd Alvey explanation workshop (Jan. 1987) pp.24-42.

"The occasions for explanation" Proc. of 3rd Alvey explanation workshop (Sept. 1987).

"What's going on in everyday explanation?" in C.Antaki (ed.) Analysing everyday explanation (1988) (Sage Publications: London) pp.15-31.

"Applying features of purposeful conversation to an ITS for children's acquisition of a second language". Cognitive systems. vols.2-3 pp.261-273 (1989). (C.G.Button, K.Oatley & S.W. Draper)

J.T.Mayes, S.W.Draper, A.M.McGregor & K.Oatley (1988) "Information flow in a user interface: the effect of experience and context on the recall of MacWrite screens" in People and Computers IV (conference proceedings of HCI'88) (eds.) D.M.Jones & R.Winder (1988) (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge). pp.275-289. And in Preece, J. & Keller, L. (1990) Human-Computer Interaction ch.10 pp.222-234 (Prentice Hall / Open University: London).

S.W. Draper, K.W. Waite, & P.D. Gray (1990) "Alternative bases for comprehensibility and competition for expression in an icon generation tool" pp.473-477 in Human Computer Interaction: INTERACT '90 eds. D. Diaper, D. Gilmore, G. Cockton, B. Shackel (North-Holland: Oxford).

P.D. Gray, K.W. Waite, & S.W. Draper (1990) "Do-it-yourself iconic displays: reconfigurable iconic representations of application objects" pp.639-644 in Human Computer Interaction: INTERACT '90 eds. D. Diaper, D. Gilmore, G. Cockton, B. Shackel (North-Holland: Oxford).

Twigger, D., Byard, M., Draper, S.W., Driver,R., Hartley,R., Hennessy,S., Mallen,C., Mohamed,R., O'Malley,C.E., O'Shea,T., & Scanlon,E. (1991) "The 'Conceptual change in science' project" Journal of computer assisted learning vol.7 pp.144-155.

Anderson, A. & Draper, S.W. (1991) "An Introduction to measuring and understanding the learning process" Computers and Education, vol.17 no.1 pp.1-11.

Stephen W. Draper, Ros Driver, Roger Hartley, Sara Hennessy, Conroy Mallen, Ramzan Mohamed, Claire O'Malley, Tim O'Shea, Eileen Scanlon, Daz Twigger (1991) "Design considerations in a project on Conceptual change in science" Computers and Education, vol.17 no.1 pp.37-40.

Draper, S.W. & Anderson, A. (1991) "The significance of dialogue in learning and observing learning" Computers and Education, vol.17 no.1 pp.93-107.

Jordan, P.W., Draper, S.W., MacFarlane, K.K., & McNulty, S.A. (1991) "Guessability, learnability, and experienced user performance" in HCI'91 People and Computers VI: Usability Now! (eds.) D.Diaper & N.Hammond pp.237-245 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Waite, K.W. & Draper, S.W., (1991) "User input to Iconographer" in HCI'91 People and Computers VI: Usability Now! (eds.) D.Diaper & N.Hammond pp.187-198 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Draper, S.W. & Waite, K. W. (1991) "Iconographer as a visual programming system" in HCI'91 People and Computers VI: Usability Now! (eds.) D.Diaper & N.Hammond pp.171-185 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Draper, S.W. "Gloves for the mind" (1992) Cognitive Tools for Learning (eds.) P.A.M. Kommers, D.H. Jonassen, J.T. Mayes (Springer-Verlag: Berlin) pp.169-181. [NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol 81. ISBN 3-540-55045-3 and ISBN 0-387-55045-3.]

Draper S.W. & Oatley K. (1992) "Action Centered Manuals or Minimalist Instruction? Alternative theories for Carroll's minimal manuals" in P.O.Holt & N.Williams (eds.) Computers and Writing: state of the art ch.15 pp.222-243 (Intellect Books: Oxford; and Kluwer Academic Publishers: Norwell, MA).

O'Malley, C. & Draper, S. (1992) "Are mental models really in the mind? Representation and interaction". In Y. Rogers, A. Rutherford & P. Bibby (Eds.) Models in the Mind: Perspectives, Theory and Application pp.73-91 (London: Academic Press).

Mohamed, R. & Draper, S.W. (1992) "Generalising MVC to ERID: orthoganalising entities, representations, and input dispatching to interaction classes" in Building Interactive Systems: Architectures and Tools (eds.) P.D.Gray & R.Took pp.104-114 (Springer Verlag: London).

Draper, S.W. (1992) "Some research at Glasgow Interactive Systems cenTre" in HCI'92 People and Computers VII (eds.) A.Monk, D.Diaper & M.D.Harrison pp.503-506 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Draper, S.W. (1992) "Activity theory: the new direction for HCI?" in International Journal of Man-Machine Studies vol.37 no.6 pp.812-821.

Waite, K.W., Draper, S.W., & Gray, P.D. (199?) "Iconographer: a tool for rapidly configuring iconic representations" submitted to ACM trans. on information systems

Draper S.W. (1993) "HCI and database work: reciprocal relevance and challenges" In R.Cooper (ed.) Interfaces to database systems (IDS92), Glasgow 1-3 July 1992 pp.455-465 (Springer-Verlag: London)

Edgerton, E.A., Draper, S.W., & Barton, S.B. (1993) "Feature checklists in HCI: some basic results" pp.189-190 Interchi'93 Adjunct proceedings (eds.) S.Ashlund, K.Mullet, A.Henderson, E.Hollnagel, T.White (ACM)

Draper, S.W., & Barton, S.B. (1993) "Learning by exploration, and affordance bugs" pp.75-76 Interchi'93 Adjunct proceedings (eds.) S.Ashlund, K.Mullet, A.Henderson, E.Hollnagel, T.White (ACM)

Draper, S.W. (1993) "The notion of task in HCI" pp.207-208 Interchi'93 Adjunct proceedings (eds.) S.Ashlund, K.Mullet, A.Henderson, E.Hollnagel, T.White (ACM)

Draper,S.W. (1994) "Education as communication" pp.155-166 in Lewis, R. & Mendelsohn, P. (Eds.) Lessons from learning: IFIP technical committee 3, working group 3.3, Archamps, 5-9 Sept.1993.

Draper,S.W. (1994) "Design as communication" vol.9 no.1 pp.61-66 Human Computer Interaction. (Invited commentary)

Draper,S.W., Brown,M.I., Edgerton,E., Henderson,F.P., McAteer,E., Smith,E.D., & Watt,H.D. (1994) Observing and measuring the performance of educational technology TILT project report no.1, Robert Clark Centre, University of Glasgow ISBN 085261 521 3

Draper, S.W., McAteer,E., Tolmie,A. & Anderson,A. (1994) "Bringing a constructivist approach to bear on evaluation" in Group and interactive learning, (eds.) H.C.Foot, C.J.Howe, A.Anderson, A.K.Tolmie & D.A.Warden pp.31-36 (Computational mechanics publications: Southampton, UK)

Cockton,G., Draper, S.W., & Weir,G.R.S. (eds.) (1994) People and Computers IX: proceedings of HCI'94 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge).

Hennessy,S., Twigger,D., Driver,R., O'Shea,T., O'Malley,C.E., Byard, M., Draper,S.W., Hartley,R., Mallen,C., Mohamed,R., & Scanlon,E. (1995) "Design of a computer-augmented curriculum for mechanics" Int. Journal of science education vol.17 no.1 pp. 75-92

Hennessy,S., Twigger,D. Driver,R., O'Shea,T., O'Malley,C.E., Byard, M., Draper,S.W., Hartley,R., Mallen,C., Mohamed,R., & Scanlon,E. (1995) "A classroom intervention using a computer-augmented curriculum for mechanics" Int. Journal of science education vol.17 no.2 pp.189-206

Twigger, D., Byard, M., Draper, S.W., Driver,R., Hartley,R., Hennessy,S., Mallen,C., Mohamed,R., O'Malley,C.E., O'Shea,T., & Scanlon,E. (in press) "The 'Conceptual change in science' project" Int. Journal of science education

Draper, S.W. (1995) "Computational Modelling of Constructive Interaction: Relaxing the mutuality hypothesis" in Computer supported collaborative learning pp. 223-243 (ed.) C.E. O'Malley (Springer Verlag: London) (from a 1989 workshop).

Doughty,G., Arnold,S., Barr,N., Brown,M.I., Creanor,L., Donnelly,P.J., Draper,S.W., Duffy,C., Durndell,H., Harrison,M., Henderson,F.P., Jessop,A., McAteer,E., Milner,M., Neil,D.M., Pflicke,T., Pollock,M., Primrose,C., Richard,S., Sclater,N., Shaw,R., Tickner,S., Turner,I., van der Zwan,R. & Watt,H.D. (1995) Using learning technologies: interim conclusions from the TILT project TILT project report no.3, Robert Clark Centre, University of Glasgow ISBN 085261 473 X

Creanor,L., Durndell,H., Henderson,F.P., Primrose,C., Brown,M.I., Draper,S.W., McAteer,E. (1995) A hypertext approach to information skills: development and evaluation TILT project report no.4, Robert Clark Centre, University of Glasgow ISBN 085261 476 4

O'Donnell,P.J. & Draper,S.W. (1995) "How machine delays change user strategies" pp.111-117. HCI'95 adjunct proceedings (eds.) G.Allen, J.Wilkinson, P.Wright (School of Computing & Mathematics, University of Huddersfield).

S.W.Draper, M.I.Brown, F.P.Henderson, E.McAteer (1996) "Integrative evaluation: an emerging role for classroom studies of CAL" Computers and Education vol.26 no.1-3, pp.17-32 and Computer assisted learning: selected contributions from the CAL 95 symposium Kibby,M.R. & Hartley,J.R. (eds.) (Pergamon: Oxford) pp.17-32

M.I.Brown, G.F.Doughty, S.W.Draper, F.P.Henderson, E.McAteer "Measuring learning resource use" (1996) Computers and Education vol.27, pp. 103-113.

E.McAteer, N.Barr, D.Neil, M.I.Brown, S.W.Draper, F.P.Henderson (1996) "Simulation software in a life sciences practical laboratory" Computers and Education vol.26 no.1-3, pp.101-112 and Computer assisted learning: selected contributions from the CAL 95 symposium Kibby,M.R. & Hartley,J.R. (eds.) (Pergamon: Oxford) pp.101-112

Gray, P.D. & Draper, S.W. (1996) "A unified concept of style and its place in user interface design" in M.A.Sasse, R.J.Cunningham & R.L.Winder (eds.) HCI'96 People and Computers XI pp.49-62 (Springer: New York).

Draper,S.W. (1996) "Programming skills, visual layout design, and unjustifiably useful testing: Three reports in the psychology of programming" in Proc.PPIG'96

Draper,S.W. (1996) "Facing up to the plurality of goals, methods, needs, and resources in HCI" Australian Journal of Information Systems vol.3 no.2 pp.31-35.

Draper,S.W. (1996) "Observing, measuring, or evaluating courseware: a conceptual introduction" ch.11 pp.58-65 in Implementating learning technology (ed.) G.Stoner (LTDI, Heriot Watt University: Edinburgh) ISBN 0 9528731 0 9 [ Also available as WWW document] URL http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/ltdi/implementing-it/contacro.htm [Also available as WWW document] URL http://www.psy.gla.ac.uk/~steve/Eval.HE.html

Draper,S.W. (1996) "Evaluation in HCI and IR" (p.7) and "Overall task measurement and sub-task measurements" (p.17-18) in Dunlop, M.D. (editor). Proceedings of the Second Mira Workshop (Monselice, Italy). University of Glasgow Computing Science Research Report TR-1997-2. [also WWW document]. URL: http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mira/workshops/padua_procs

Draper, S.W. (1997) "Prospects for summative evaluation of CAL in higher education" ALT-J (Association of learning technology journal) vol.5, no.1 pp.33-39

Draper, S.W. (1998) "Practical problems and proposed solutions in designing action-centered documentation" Minimalism beyond the Nurnberg funnel (ed.) J.M.Carroll ch.13 pp.349-374 (MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.)

Draper, S.W. (1997) "New guises for recurring problems in documentation" The journal of computer documentation vol.21 no.1 pp.15-18

Draper, S.W. (1998) "Niche-based success in CAL" Computers and Education vol.30, pp.5-8

Draper, S.W. (1997, 18 April) "Adding (negotiated) management to models of learning and teaching" Itforum (email list: invited paper) [also WWW document]. URL: http://www.psy.gla.ac.uk/~steve/TLP.management.html

Draper, S.W. (1997) "Measuring cost-effectiveness of CAL in higher education" in Virtual campus, real learning ALT-C'97 conference programme & abstracts O'Donoghue,J. & Davies,S. (eds.) p.51-52

Draper, S.W. & Dunlop,M.D. (1997) "New IR — New Evaluation: the impact of interaction and multimedia on information retrieval and its evaluation" in The new review of multimedia and hypermedia vol.3 p.107-121 [really printed in 1998]

Draper, S.W. (1998) "Reciprocal collaborative teaching in MANTCHI" in TLTP newsletter no.11 p.15

Draper, S.W. & Brown,M.I. (1998) "Evaluating remote collaborative tutorial teaching in MANTCHI" in M.Oliver (ed.) Innovation in the evaluation of learning technology ch.4 pp.65-86 (London: University of North London).

Draper, S.W. & Foubister,S.P. (1998) "A cost-benefit analysis of remote collaborative tutorial teaching" in M.Oliver (ed.) Innovation in the evaluation of learning technology ch.12 pp.193-210 (London: University of North London).

Draper, S.W. (1999) "Supporting use, learning, and education" Journal of computer documentation vol.23 no.2 pp.19-24

Draper, S.W. (1999) "Analysing fun as a candidate software requirement" Personal Technologies vol.3 no.3 p.117-122

Draper,S.W. (2000) "Supporting the user software selection task: HCI and marketing" pp.45-46 Proc. of HCI 2000 conference: volume II (eds.) S.Turner & P.Turner [BCS, Sunderland]

Draper, S.W. D.R.Benyon, A.Crerar, P.D.Gray, A.C.Kilgour, J.C.Newman, J.T.Mayes (2000) "Remote reciprocal collaborative teaching in MANTCHI" in JCAL vol.16 no.11 p.376-377

Atkinson,M., Brown,M., Cargill,J., Crease,M., Draper,S., Evans,H., Gray,P., Mitchell,C., Ritchie,M. & Thomas,R. (2001) Summer Anthology, 2001 Technical Report TR-2001-96 (Department of Computing Science, Glasgow University)

Higginson,C.S., Rayner,M.J., Draper,S.W., & Kirk,T.R. (2002) "The nutrition label — which information is looked at?" Nutrition and Food Science vol.32 no.3 pp.92-99

Higginson,C.S., Kirk,T.R., Rayner,M.J. & Draper,S.W., (2002) "How do consumers use nutrition label information?" Nutrition and Food Science vol.32 no.4 pp.145-152

Draper,S.W., Cargill,J., & Cutts,Q. (2002) "Electronically enhanced classroom interaction" Australian journal of educational technology vol.18 no.1 pp.13-23.

Evans,H., Atkinson,M., Brown,M., Cargill,J., Crease,M., Draper,S.W., Gray,P. & Thomas,R. (2003) "The pervasiveness of evolution in GRUMPS software" Software Ñ Practice and Experience vol.33 pp.99-120

Thomas,R., Kennedy,G., Draper,S.W., Mancy,R., Crease,M., Evans,H., & Gray,P. (2003) "Generic usage monitoring of programming students" Murdoch,P. & Crisp,G. (eds.) Proc 20th ASCILITE Conference, Adelaide, Australia. p.715

Cutts,Q., Mancy,R. & Draper,S.W. (2003) "Educational initiatives in computing science at Glasgow" Proc. 4th annual LTSN-ICS conference, NUI Galway

Draper,S.W. & Brown, M.I. (2004) "Increasing interactivity in lectures using an electronic voting system" Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Stuart,S.A.J., Brown, M.I. & Draper,S.W. (2004) "Using an electronic voting system in logic lectures: One practitioner's application" Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Patera, M., Draper, S.W. & McWhirr, M. (2005), "A Novel Approach to Colour Education and Comparative Testing of Physical and Digital Versions" In Proceedings of Designs on e-learning: 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology in Art Design and Communication, (London, UK, 14-16 September) [The abstract was published in the Conference's programme and the full paper on the CD Proceedings]

Patera, M., Draper, S.W. & McWhirr, M. (2005) "Using educational theory and advanced technology in colour education" In Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Colour Association AIC 05 Granada, Spain, 8-13 May, pp.77-80. [The full paper was published in the Proceedings book and on the CD]

Kennedy,G.F., Cutts,Q.I., & Draper,S.W. (2006) "Evaluating electronic voting systems in lectures: two innovative methods" in D.A.Banks (ed.) Audience response systems in higher education: Applications and cases (Information Science Publishing: London) ch.11 pp.155-174

Patera, M., Naef, M., Draper, S.W. (2006), "The Magic Cottage: A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing" In Proceedings of the 4th International Narrative and Interactive Learning Environments Conference (NILE 2006) Edinburgh, Scotland, August 8-11, pp.67-75. [The full paper was published in the Proceedings]

Draper,S.W. & Nicol,D.J. (2006) "Transformation in e-learning" ALT-C short paper [Only abstract published]

Patera, M., Draper, S.W. & Naef, M. (2008) "Exploring 'Magic Cottage': A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing" Interactive Learning Environments vol.16 no.3 pp.245-263

Draper, S.W. & Cutts,Q. (2006) "Targeted remediation for a computer programming course using student facilitators" Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education vol.1 no.2 pp.117-128

Draper, S.W. & Maguire,J. (2007) "Exploring podcasting as part of campus-based teaching" Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education vol.2 no.1 pp.43-65

Patera, M., Draper, S.W. & Naef, M. (2008) "Exploring 'Magic Cottage': A Virtual Reality Environment for Stimulating Children's Imaginative Writing" Interactive Learning Environments vol.16 no.3 pp.245-263

Draper,S.W. (2009) "What are learners actually regulating when given feedback?" British Journal of Educational Technology vol.40 no.2 pp.306-315

Draper,S.W. (2009) "Catalytic assessment: understanding how MCQs and EVS can foster deep learning" British Journal of Educational Technology vol.40 no.2 pp.285-293

Draper,S.W. (2008) "Learning and Community" pp.132-144 in A.Comrie, N.J.Mayes, J.T.Mayes & K.Smyth (Editors) Learners in the Co-Creation of Knowledge: Proceedings of the LICK 2008 Symposium, Edinburgh 30 October 2008 (Edinburgh: Napier University).

Maguire,J., Stuart,S. & Draper,S.W. (2008) "Student generated podcasts: Learning to cascade rather than create" pp.67-77 in A.Comrie, N.J.Mayes, J.T.Mayes & K.Smyth (Editors) Learners in the Co-Creation of Knowledge: Proceedings of the LICK 2008 Symposium, Edinburgh 30 October 2008 (Edinburgh: Napier University).

Nicol,D.J. & Draper,S.W. (2009) "A blueprint for transformational organisational change in higher education: REAP as a case study" Transforming Higher Education through Technology-Enhanced Learning T.Mayes, D.Morrison, H.Mellar, P.Bullen & M.Oliver (eds.) ch.14 pp.191-207 (HEA)

Cutts, Q. , Cutts, E., Draper, S. , O'Donnell, P. and Saffrey, P. (2010) "Manipulating mindset to positively influence introductory programming performance" In: SIGCSE '10 Proceedings of the 41st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science education 10-13 Mar 2010, Milwaukee, USA.

Draper,S.W. & Nicol,D.J. (2013) "Achieving transformational or sustainable educational change" Reconceptualising feedback in higher education: Developing dialogue with students S.Merry, M.Price, D.Carless & M.Taras (eds.) ch.16 pp.190-203 (London: Routledge)

Draper,S.W. (2013) "What if feedback only counted if the learner used it?" Proc. International enhancement themes conference / Proc Enhancement and innovation in higher education 2013 Glasgow. http://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/docs/publications/post-conference-publication.pdf pp.415-424