This is a WWW page originally created by students (see other credits on this page) but now copied and stored by Steve Draper as part of the CSCLN ATOM.

Summary of Lecture 6 (Continued...)

Comparing Psychological Instruments

Date page last modified 04.02.98
Who maintains the web page: Edward Niescior.
Who has editorial responsibility: Clare Mc Govern, Lucinda Bailey and Edward Niescior.
Lecture 6 (Part two)(week 3).

This page is only intended as an introduction. For a more detailed analysis see Lecture 7.

Comparing Psychological Instruments - Introduction

How are Psychological Instruments used in HCI?

They are primarily psychological, as it is not always easy for participants to define how easy or enjoyable/pleasant their experience was.

The 7 Psychological Instruments are:

1) Think aloud protocols
2) Incident diaries
3) Focus groups
4) Semi-structured interviews
5) Questionnaires
6) Check Lists
7) Controlled experiments

Instruments are selected according to their properties:

Often several instruments are used in a single testing episode, eg.

questionnaire ---> test episode (eg think aloud protocol) --->interview

Problems with instrument selection

Not knowing where the problems are, therefore where to concentrate attention. Iterative information gathering is required to guage: