TO REMIND ME OF BASIC SYNTAX IN THE 2 LANGS: Javascript (JS), and PHP (PHP ESSENTIAL) OR The latter needs no echo, no semicolon. The value is then translated into a print string and echo-ed out. **VARS #PHP $var1 case sensitive. BUT functions are case INsensitive. Always local unless otherwise labelled i.e. do "global $var1" inside each fn Can use globals in functions AND set them there: like static vars. global ${$varname}; $currentval = ${$varname}; Also: $$a or ${$a} gets the string in $a and de-refs it to use it as the varname Vars can NOT be init in the decl. #JS var1. Case sensitive, including functions? Always global unless decl. locally. So keep doing "var var1;" inside each fn. var count = 0, unset=1, prevDisp=0; More exactly, vars and I think fn-args are textually scoped to the nearest enclosing fn-def else global. Games/features with closures ensue. Fn-args are call by name or ref. depending on whether the object is primitive or an object (in which case a ptr is passed, so call-by-ref is the effect). **DOT NOTATION #PHP Dot operator is string concat. #JS + operator is string concat. Dot in JS is object fields/properties NOT fn-exec. NOT: a.b.fn() is NOT fn(b(a)); BUT: (a.b ==== a["b"] ); var name = 'b'; then a.b ==== a[name]; **ECHO #PHP echo is not a fn so can do either echo('asdf') or echo 'adsf'; echo 'asdf' . 'qr'; echo('asdf' . 'qr'); echo 'asdf', 'qr'; but not mulitple args AND parens. #JS No echo in JS; nearest is: document.write('Hello World!'); or alert(str); ---========================================================== **IF conditionals #PHP if ($b) $a = 1; $a = ($x > 0 ? 1 : 0); [Allowed] $b AND $a=1; if ($b) a = 1; elseif ($b2) b=2; else c=3; if ($b): $a = 1; $a2 = 11; elseif ($b2): $b=2; else: $c=3; endif; #JS if (b) a = 1; a = (b > 0) ? 1 : 0; [Allowed] y = (on) ? '' : 'none'; [Allowed] The condition can be just on, (on), or (on==1) BUT only (on == 1) may work if type conversions from string are needed. (or else, use Number(on)) b && dothis(); N.B. JS returns the value of expr-part, not a boolean. N.B. with the expr. you apparently CAN'T use parens to clarify, but can go on and on with multiple exprs, like if-then-elseif-then-elseif.... if (b) a = 1; else if (b2) b=2; else c=3; if (b) { x; y; z; } else {a; b; c; } **LOOPS while, etc. #PHP while ($b) { ... break/continue }; do { } while ($b); #JS while (b) { ... break/continue }; do { } while (b); **forLOOPS #PHP for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++) #JS for (var i=0; i<=10; i++) N.B. var anywhere in a func decls it as local; and re-decls hae no effect; nor does order within the function. **FOREACH #PHP foreach ($arr as $val) {} // when no, or implicit, index/keys foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $val) { echo "$key => $val
"; }; // for sorting array $myorder = array_keys($arr); natcasesort($myorder); foreach ($myorder as $key) { $p = mktypegen($arr[$key], $key); }; #JS There is no 'foreach' keyword. for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { out = a[$i]; }; for (var key in object) {} There is a forEach function, but not worth it: var groups = ['agenda', 'mysmall']; // list of groups to init groups.forEach(function (gr1) { var = sessionStorage.getItem(gr1); expand(gr1, val); }); Just using function calls is simpler?: and writing a fn which you have to do anyway in other forEach model. function doPerclass(oneclass) { var val = sessionStorage.getItem(oneclass); expand(oneclass, val); }; doPerclass('agenda'); doPerclass('mysmall'); ... JSON objects: alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)); ---========================================================== **ARRAYs #PHP Arrays are assoc, or 'maps'. $arr = array( k1 => v1, k2 => k2); $arr = [ k1 => v1, k2 => k2]; #JS Arrays are lists. (But as objects, you can add sub-objects that behave like assocArrays). var arr = [] to decl/init it as arr; arr.length=0 to re-zero it. var arr = [3, 2, 'asdf']; inits it. for (i=0; i if not spec. **COMMENTS, SEMI-COLONS, QUOTES #PHP // comment # comment /* also comment text, and across lines */ Semicolons: mostly required (except at end of ?> ) $str = 'x yz'; // no var expansion, may include LFs. $str = "Here is \$var: $var \n"; [?? check this] //Nowdoc facility, like in csh: uses quote type to ctrl the processing if any inside. $x = <<<'LABEL' any old text LABEL #JS // comment /* also comment text */ Either or ';' end a statement. Single and double quotes mean the same; so can use one to quote the other; esp. e.g. when string contains something to go into another lang. **STRING edits #PHP $url = preg_replace('|[^/]$|', '${0}Y', $url); Always does global replace, unless arg4 sets nmb of replaces. $out = str_replace('TGT', $replaceStr, $orig, $nmbDone); no REs. If used, arg4 must be var, and receives a count of replacements. To limit nmb of replaces within a string, must use preg_replace OR could use truncate instead. Truncate $rest = substr("abcdef", -3, 1) -3 means 3rd back from last char. $rest = substr($buf, $start, $len) Start at var2, delete Len chars $rest = substr($buf, 2, 999) Start at char 2, keep all the rest. #JS picPtr.src = picPtr.src.replace(',', ''); Not global but first occurrence OR picPtr.src = picPtr.src.replace(/,/g, ''); i.e. it takes either a string OR an RE as arg1 if (/,/.test(str)) { DOES work REGEXPs #PHP #JS Can create REs by either/or: var re = new RegExp(string + 'literalStr'); var re = /Any string\b/i; //which lets you put literal with meta-chars, but not vars. Where var group = 'group33'; and should be appended by metachar \b ... re1 = /group33\b/i; re2 = new RegExp(group + '\\b'); re3 = new RegExp(group + /\b/.source); and RE used: if (re2.test(ruletxt)) where ruletxt is a string var. **STRING cmps #PHP $s1 == $s2 equal after type conversions $s1 === $s2 equal and same type == === != <> !== < >= all work. Strings are converted to numbers if necessary or appropriate. E.g. "10" == "1e1" if (preg_match('/,del/', $f)) continue; // so more cmps of strings ... if (preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $id) == 0) // If doesn't match then ... if (preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/i', $id) == 0) // If doesn't match alpha, then ... $new = str_replace($target, replace, $orig, &$count); case-sensitive. $new = str_ireplace($target, replace, $orig); case-insensitive. Can give arrays for multiple find/replace pairs. Only fixed strings. $count receives a value for nmb of replaces done. $new = preg_replace(pat, replacement substr, orig, $limit = -1, $nmbChanged) $new = preg_replace(pat, '${1}00, $3', $origbuf, $limit = -1, $nmbChanged) Returns null for error; unchanged orig if no match, changed if match. If $limit pos, then max nmb changes. I show use of replacements by subpatterns preg_match(pat, orig, &$matches) returns 1 or 0: whether any match. $matches[0] the text of the match. [1] the first subpat, ... $nmatches = preg_match_all(pat, orig, &$matches); gets all matches and puts them in array. $matches[1][3] has 4th match to 1st () sub-pat. [0] is whole pat. flags change what goes where in the arrays. #JS Ditto? Strings are objects (built-in). OR only == if same object?? If you add a nmb and a string, it gives a string. var n=str.match(/ain/gi); Returns an array of matches Can test for match with simple if: if (! /,/.test(str)) { DOES work: both the expr AND with the bool negation if (picPtr.src.match(/,/)) DOESN'T work var regex = new RegExp(myconstant); string.replace(regex, "replacement"); if (! regex.test(str)) { var str2=str.replace("Microsoft","W3Schools"); DOC for string fns **PTR UNDEF TESTS #PHP empty($x) true if either not there or false (or zero integer) isset($x) false if either not there or set to null. is_null($x) true if not set to anything (except null). defined($x) constant is defined. Only for constants, it says. #JS Objects are null; vars/props are undefined. Vars (& attributes) that have not been assigned a val, are of type undefined. if (typeof var1 === 'undefined') not decl. (but null). if (obj.prop === undefined) has never been assigned a val. [triple ===] if (obj.prop) To test it's decl, and assigned, and non-zero/false var hasProperty = !!obj.prop; This creates a bool from ptr. if (isNaN(obj.colSpan)) tests that the var/attribute is: not undefined and is a number (as opposed to some other, or null, or empty value). To delete properties: delete myObject.keyname; or delete myObject["keyname"]; but cannot delete variables decl. as var x; nor functions. ** TYPE AND NUMBER CONVERSIONS #PHP intval($var), floatval($var), (int) "123"; strval($var) But use sprintf() to control formatting. #JS var n = parseInt(str); parseFloat() // if (isNaN(n)).. var n = Number(str); // if (isNaN(n)).. var str = n.toString(); var str2 = 'opacity: 0.' + n.toString() + ';'); var marginpc = Math.round((100 - widthpc) / 4); ** URL OBJECTS AND FS #PHP xxx #JS window.location.href gets full URL of current page/window. document.URL; does same but may not work in Firefox document.getElementById("aaa").getAttribute("href"); Gets text as set in the 'href' field of, say, an element. window.location gets url as a whole object, ready-parsed into URL parts (see below). For current page, window.location gets a "location object", with ready-defined parts: hash(part after #), host (includes port), hostname, href (whole thing), origin, pathname, port, protocol, search (part after?). Can set the location by setting the href field even if it is a partial / relative URL. Parsing function, given a whole URL: 1) if possible, use location object's pre-parsing. 2) DIY using split() var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' ); To get an abs URL out of a relative one, here's code I haven't tested. It defines a function then calls it. var getAbsoluteUrl = (function() { var a; return function(url) { if(!a) a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return a.href; }; })();