Javascript (JS), and PHP
OR = value?>
The latter needs no echo, no semicolon.
The value is then translated into a print string and echo-ed out.
$var1 case sensitive. BUT functions are case INsensitive.
Always local unless otherwise labelled i.e. do "global $var1" inside each fn
Can use globals in functions AND set them there: like static vars.
global ${$varname}; $currentval = ${$varname};
Also: $$a or ${$a} gets the string in $a and de-refs it to use it as the varname
Vars can NOT be init in the decl.
var1. Case sensitive, including functions?
Always global unless decl. locally. So keep doing "var var1;" inside each fn.
var count = 0, unset=1, prevDisp=0;
More exactly, vars and I think fn-args are textually scoped to the nearest
enclosing fn-def else global.
Games/features with closures ensue.
Fn-args are call by name or ref. depending on whether the object is primitive
or an object (in which case a ptr is passed, so call-by-ref is the effect).
Dot operator is string concat.
+ operator is string concat.
Dot in JS is object fields/properties NOT fn-exec.
NOT: a.b.fn() is NOT fn(b(a));
(a.b ==== a["b"] );
var name = 'b'; then a.b ==== a[name];
echo is not a fn so can do either echo('asdf') or echo 'adsf';
echo 'asdf' . 'qr';
echo('asdf' . 'qr');
echo 'asdf', 'qr'; but not mulitple args AND parens.
No echo in JS; nearest is: document.write('Hello World!');
or alert(str);
**IF conditionals
if ($b) $a = 1;
$a = ($x > 0 ? 1 : 0); [Allowed]
$b AND $a=1;
if ($b) a = 1;
elseif ($b2) b=2;
else c=3;
if ($b):
$a = 1;
$a2 = 11;
elseif ($b2):
if (b) a = 1;
a = (b > 0) ? 1 : 0; [Allowed]
y = (on) ? '' : 'none'; [Allowed]
The condition can be just on, (on), or (on==1)
BUT only (on == 1) may work if type conversions from string are
needed. (or else, use Number(on))
b && dothis(); N.B. JS returns the value of expr-part, not a boolean.
N.B. with the expr. you apparently CAN'T use parens to clarify, but can go on
and on with multiple exprs, like if-then-elseif-then-elseif....
if (b) a = 1;
else if (b2) b=2;
else c=3;
if (b) { x; y; z; }
else {a; b; c; }
**LOOPS while, etc.
while ($b) { ... break/continue }; do { } while ($b);
while (b) { ... break/continue }; do { } while (b);
for ($i=0; $i<=10; $i++)
for (var i=0; i<=10; i++) N.B. var anywhere in a func decls it as local; and
re-decls hae no effect; nor does order within the function.
foreach ($arr as $val) {} // when no, or implicit, index/keys
foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $val) { echo "$key => $val
"; };
// for sorting array
$myorder = array_keys($arr);
foreach ($myorder as $key) { $p = mktypegen($arr[$key], $key); };
There is no 'foreach' keyword.
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { out = a[$i]; };
for (var key in object) {}
There is a forEach function, but not worth it:
var groups = ['agenda', 'mysmall']; // list of groups to init
groups.forEach(function (gr1) {
var = sessionStorage.getItem(gr1);
expand(gr1, val);
Just using function calls is simpler?: and writing a fn which you have to
do anyway in other forEach model.
function doPerclass(oneclass) {
var val = sessionStorage.getItem(oneclass);
expand(oneclass, val);
JSON objects: alert(JSON.stringify(data, null, 4));
Arrays are assoc, or 'maps'.
$arr = array( k1 => v1, k2 => k2);
$arr = [ k1 => v1, k2 => k2];
Arrays are lists.
(But as objects, you can add sub-objects that behave like assocArrays).
var arr = [] to decl/init it as arr; arr.length=0 to re-zero it.
var arr = [3, 2, 'asdf']; inits it.
for (i=0; i if not spec.
// comment
# comment
/* also comment text, and across lines
Semicolons: mostly required (except at end of ?> )
$str = 'x
yz'; // no var expansion, may include LFs.
$str = "Here is \$var: $var \n"; [?? check this]
//Nowdoc facility, like in csh: uses quote type to ctrl the processing if any
$x = <<<'LABEL'
any old text
// comment
also comment text
Either or ';' end a statement.
Single and double quotes mean the same; so can use one to quote the other;
esp. e.g. when string contains something to go into another lang.
**STRING edits
$url = preg_replace('|[^/]$|', '${0}Y', $url);
Always does global replace, unless arg4 sets nmb of replaces.
$out = str_replace('TGT', $replaceStr, $orig, $nmbDone); no REs.
If used, arg4 must be var, and receives a count of replacements.
To limit nmb of replaces within a string, must use preg_replace
OR could use truncate instead.
$rest = substr("abcdef", -3, 1) -3 means 3rd back from last char.
$rest = substr($buf, $start, $len) Start at var2, delete Len chars
$rest = substr($buf, 2, 999) Start at char 2, keep all the rest.
picPtr.src = picPtr.src.replace(',', ''); Not global but first occurrence
OR picPtr.src = picPtr.src.replace(/,/g, '');
i.e. it takes either a string OR an RE as arg1
if (/,/.test(str)) { DOES work
Can create REs by either/or:
var re = new RegExp(string + 'literalStr');
var re = /Any string\b/i;
//which lets you put literal with meta-chars, but not vars.
Where var group = 'group33'; and should be appended by metachar \b ...
re1 = /group33\b/i;
re2 = new RegExp(group + '\\b');
re3 = new RegExp(group + /\b/.source);
and RE used: if (re2.test(ruletxt)) where ruletxt is a string var.
**STRING cmps
$s1 == $s2 equal after type conversions
$s1 === $s2 equal and same type
== === != <> !== < >= all work.
Strings are converted to numbers if necessary or appropriate. E.g. "10" == "1e1"
if (preg_match('/,del/', $f)) continue; // so more cmps of strings ...
if (preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $id) == 0) // If doesn't match then ...
if (preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/i', $id) == 0) // If doesn't match alpha, then ...
$new = str_replace($target, replace, $orig, &$count); case-sensitive.
$new = str_ireplace($target, replace, $orig); case-insensitive.
Can give arrays for multiple find/replace pairs.
Only fixed strings.
$count receives a value for nmb of replaces done.
$new = preg_replace(pat, replacement substr, orig, $limit = -1, $nmbChanged)
$new = preg_replace(pat, '${1}00, $3', $origbuf, $limit = -1, $nmbChanged)
Returns null for error; unchanged orig if no match, changed if match.
If $limit pos, then max nmb changes.
I show use of replacements by subpatterns
preg_match(pat, orig, &$matches)
returns 1 or 0: whether any match.
$matches[0] the text of the match. [1] the first subpat, ...
$nmatches = preg_match_all(pat, orig, &$matches);
gets all matches and puts them in array.
$matches[1][3] has 4th match to 1st () sub-pat. [0] is whole pat.
flags change what goes where in the arrays.
Ditto? Strings are objects (built-in).
OR only == if same object??
If you add a nmb and a string, it gives a string.
var n=str.match(/ain/gi); Returns an array of matches
Can test for match with simple if:
if (! /,/.test(str)) { DOES work: both the expr AND with the bool negation
if (picPtr.src.match(/,/)) DOESN'T work
var regex = new RegExp(myconstant);
string.replace(regex, "replacement");
if (! regex.test(str)) {
var str2=str.replace("Microsoft","W3Schools"); DOC for string fns
empty($x) true if either not there or false (or zero integer)
isset($x) false if either not there or set to null.
is_null($x) true if not set to anything (except null).
defined($x) constant is defined. Only for constants, it says.
Objects are null; vars/props are undefined.
Vars (& attributes) that have not been assigned a val,
are of type undefined.
if (typeof var1 === 'undefined') not decl. (but null).
if (obj.prop === undefined) has never been assigned a val. [triple ===]
if (obj.prop) To test it's decl, and assigned, and non-zero/false
var hasProperty = !!obj.prop; This creates a bool from ptr.
if (isNaN(obj.colSpan)) tests that the var/attribute is: not undefined and is a
number (as opposed to some other, or null, or empty value).
To delete properties:
delete myObject.keyname; or delete myObject["keyname"];
but cannot delete variables decl. as var x; nor functions.
intval($var), floatval($var), (int) "123";
strval($var) But use sprintf() to control formatting.
var n = parseInt(str); parseFloat() // if (isNaN(n))..
var n = Number(str); // if (isNaN(n))..
var str = n.toString();
var str2 = 'opacity: 0.' + n.toString() + ';');
var marginpc = Math.round((100 - widthpc) / 4);
window.location.href gets full URL of current page/window.
document.URL; does same but may not work in Firefox
Gets text as set in the 'href' field of, say, an element.
window.location gets url as a whole object, ready-parsed into URL parts
(see below).
For current page, window.location gets a "location object", with ready-defined
parts: hash(part after #), host (includes port), hostname, href (whole thing),
origin, pathname, port, protocol, search (part after?).
Can set the location by setting the href field even if it is a partial /
relative URL.
Parsing function, given a whole URL:
1) if possible, use location object's pre-parsing.
2) DIY using split() var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
To get an abs URL out of a relative one, here's code I haven't tested.
It defines a function then calls it.
var getAbsoluteUrl = (function() {
var a;
return function(url) {
if(!a) a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
return a.href;