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Draper, S.W. (1993) "The notion of task in HCI" pp.207-208 Interchi'93 Adjunct proceedings (eds.) S.Ashlund, K.Mullet, A.Henderson, E.Hollnagel, T.White (ACM)

The notion of Task in HCI

Contents (click to jump to a section)

Stephen W. Draper
GIST (Glasgow Interactive Systems cenTre)
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K.


The ISO definition of the usability of an interface is "the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with which specified users can achieve specified goals in a particular environment". This at first seems pessimistic to many people, as it implies that there may be no generalisation across users or machines or tasks: that measuring how one combination performs may not tell us anything about how others will perform. But is it pessimistic enough? It expresses what many HCI workers assume, that just as it is clear what a "user" is (distinct users can be identified by their bodies — if it is the same person then it is the same user), so a task is the same thing to all people in all circumstances. This paper points out that this is not true, examines the extent to which this may be a problem, and how it threatens standard practices of both psychologists and designers in HCI.

Task interpretation

Consider, then, setting a standard HCI task. For instance, we might ask a user to prepare a business letter on a word processor with some given text content. However the layout chosen (and so the bulk of the features and commands used) will probably depend on whether that user is a secretary or an undergraduate hired for an experiment. Even if, instead of just saying "prepare a business letter", we give them a printout of the target letter to be achieved, different kinds of people will simply notice or not notice different aspects of the layout. (We have experienced this as a real problem in conducting HCI experiments.) For instance few will think that the exact size of the right margin to the nearest millimetre actually matters, and many will just not see it as any part of the task, any more than matching the watermark in the paper used for printing would be. But this is not just about whether undergraduates are representative of "real users". What aspects of layout a secretary cares about will depend on the job: probably on the individual he or she is working for, certainly on practices developed in a particular office and job. Thus "preparing a business letter" as it affects the use of a word processor (and therefore which commands are used and important) simply is not determined by a fixed task domain which can be observed, recorded, and generalised about.

If the notion of task is so unstable and indeterminate in small scale word processing — surely the simplest and most overstudied case in HCI — then what hope is there of using it as a theoretical concept, as a component of standards definitions, or as the basis of design methods using "task analysis"? If we consider asking someone to prepare a diagram to illustrate a paper, then we can be sure that no two people will produce the same graphic, even if they have similar backgrounds and are made to use the same computer package. Moving upwards to larger scale work domains, the influence of communities of practice is likely to be even more important. For instance, consider indentation and commenting practices among programmers

On the other hand, commonsense and experience tell us that a notion of task is of constant practical help in HCI design. Everyone needs to save their files to disk or to delete a word, and you can look at the problems some designs observably cause users, and how changing the design removes or changes the problems. These simple considerations suggest that perhaps "task" is a simple concept at the level of a command, and problems occur mainly at higher levels. This would be consistent with the idea that an artifact (re)defines the task facing a user, so that task analysis at this level may work. We could then expect to go along with criticisms of task analysis (Bannon & Bødker 1991) as they apply to whole tasks like typing a letter, while retaining tasks as mental goals at a lower level. Thus top down task analysis may be largely useless except as a way of reproducing old ways of work (by reproducing in a new implementation the same tasks, probably many of them bad). This criticism then would undermine top down analyses, but not all uses of the task concept. This is probably broadly right; however some considerations suggest things are not as simple as this.

Experimental demand characteristics

In psychology, the variable nature of a "task" has been studied for some time under the name of "demand characteristics". As a recent text book puts it, people will do far more for an experimenter than they would in other situations: simply consider asking a friend to do as many pushups as they can a) as part of a psychological or medical experiment b) just because you'd like to watch them. Clearly, the real task subjects are engaged in is "doing an experiment", and their willingness usually strongly depends on this: the worry is that other aspects of their behaviour will too. This serves as a sharp reminder that simply handing each subject a slip of paper with a short description of "the task" not only does not mean that every subject will interpret it in the same way, but does not mean that they will treat it as they would if it arose in another context. In usability experiments this may not matter much, because the interfaces we study today often have such severe bugs that simply trying 10 times as hard as normal does not allow subjects to succeed. It may however matter rather more for studies trying to observe naturally occurring "tasks".

Variable methods

Even when tasks (goals) are fixed for a user, it seems that the methods they naturally develop are rather variable. This was Allen & Scerbo's (1983) finding: that GOMS predictions did not match experimental findings unless not only the task but the exact method was (most unnaturally) dictated to subjects. Thus a barrier to predicting user execution times is that users do not adopt the methods predicted by designers for a task. Suchman's (1987) arguments too are largely that, even if you study cases where tasks are relatively clear and fixed, humans do not generate and follow fixed plans of the kind expected by naive theory. It would seem then that we cannot expect fixed and predictable behaviour from human users even at quite "low" levels. Therefore whenever the device allows any variation in method, task analyses are not likely to work at low levels. Furthermore, if even methods are normally rather variable, this must increase expectation that higher level tasks will be variable and unpredictable.

Neglected tasks for analysis

Task analysis as often applied to design in fact often misses real tasks faced by users. For each command the designer is often only thinking of supporting one "task", yet up to four are in fact commonly at issue.
  1. Performing the function e.g. a user wants to move a sentence, and this might be supported by using a sequence of the Cut and Paste commands.
  2. Verifying success: almost always, a user does not just want to achieve a goal, but to know they have. (Hence, in older interfaces, the prevalence of issuing information commands such as ls in Unix after nearly every command.) After moving the sentence, the user will, in a WYSIWYG editor, have to read it in the new context carefully to make sure nothing is missing. (This could be better supported e.g. by leaving newly changed text highlighted in some way.)
  3. Discovering how to perform the function. The first time users need to do that function, they must somehow discover the method: a knowledge getting task. For a function directly supported by a single command, the command name appearing in a menu may be sufficient. For the example of moving text by cut and paste, this is unsupported except via documentation in many current interfaces.
  4. Given the visible presence of cut and paste commands, users may wish to discover their function (learn by exploration). This requires visible and comprehensible effects (usually not the case for implementations using hidden clipboards).

Another class of "task" that is well known in practice but does not fit well with the usual notion of task is that of defence costs. In many applications on personal computers users find it wise to save their work frequently to disk as crashes lose all work since the last save. Saving is not a natural user task at all, except perhaps when making a spare copy to give to someone else (with paper, you don't have to first write, and then "fix" the trace like a photograph being developed). When it is analysed as a task, it is usually analysed as something users "want" to do when quitting the application, and is often integrated with exit commands. However rather fewer designers show that they have grasped the real issue which is to save frequently, not in order to achieve anything definite, but as insurance. This kind of goal should be described as a defence cost, since you either have to pay a small frequent "insurance" cost (e.g. saving to disk) which normally turns out to be useless (it is superceded by the next save), or very rarely pay a huge penalty. Their nature is that they do not achieve a direct benefit for the user, and they are not part of a hierarchical goal structure. Because of this they do not fit into the simpler forms of task analysis, and conversely the user needs to be reminded to do them i.e. they need different kinds of interface support.

Sørgaard's example

A rather different problem with task analysis is raised by an example of Sørgaard's (1988). He discusses designs for a seat reservation system for railways. He criticises one which only supports requests for seats that allow a few salient attributes to be specified e.g. window or aisle, facing forward or back, and proposes one that shows the seating plan for the whole train in a diagram that both customer and clerk can see and point to. This design allows customers to point to the seats they prefer, and allows them to take many possible attributes and relationships into account e.g. distance from the dining car, distance from the door, etc. The design finesses any laborious attempt to discover all the "tasks" customers are trying to perform, and yet will support a far greater range of specification types including those that might be very rare in the user population as a whole. It seems clearly superior exactly because it will support tasks the designer could not have anticipated.


Since neither the methods nor the tasks chosen and evolved by users can be predicted accurately, it is necessary to allow these practices to evolve and then to observe them. In other words, these considerations lead back to the use of a prototyping cycle for task "analysis" as for other aspects of design, as Henderson (1991) has stated explicitly. It leads to a 5 step cycle, the extra step, which follows implementation, being the evolution of use and practice.


Allen, R.B. & Scerbo, M.W. (1983) "Details of command language keystrokes" ACM TOIS vol.1 pp.159-178.

Bannon, L.J. & Bødker, S. (1991) "Beyond the interface: encountering artifacts in use" ch.12 pp.227-253 in Carroll J.M. (ed.) Designing Interaction: psychology at the human-computer interface (CUP).

Henderson, A. (1991) "A development perspective on interface, design, and theory" ch.13 pp.254-268 in Carroll J.M. (ed.) Designing Interaction: psychology at the human-computer interface (CUP).

Sørgaard, Pål (1988) A discussion of computer supported cooperative work Ph.D. thesis, Aarhus, Denmark

Suchman, L.A. (1987) Plans and situated actions: the problem of human-machine communication (CUP).