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Evaluation of Peer Assisted Learning
Date/time: Tuesday 17 May 2005. Session: 12-2pm,
my slot: 12:30 - 1pm.
Teaching & Learning Service, 53 Hillhead Street.
How to get there:
Steve Draper,
Department of Psychology
PAL (peer assisted learning) was first introduced to this university in 2002-3
in Computing Science. By "PAL" we mean a scheme for weekly meetings for
students on a given course run ("facilitated") not by staff but by students
who have done the course previously. A previous LTDF grant funded the
evaluation of this startup scheme. In the following 2003-4 session, PAL was
run in several departments: Computing Science, Psychology, and Law.
This talk presents what was collected about this experience funded by a second
LTDF grant. The character or feel of the schemes differs markedly between
departments, and indeed between years within Psychology, where it has been run
at all 4 levels. In many ways this is because it is a student-centered
scheme, and displays characteristics opposite to staff run events such as
lectures: in the latter attendance is fairly constant, declining gradually
during the semester, whereas in PAL, attendance fluctuates wildly depending on
the topic, and tends to peak not dip just before deadlines. The benefits are
probably greatest for the facilitators, but for the minority of client
students who attend, the benefits they perceive are generally substantial.
In order to book online and obtain further information about the LTDF, please visit
Otherwise contact Lucinda Dempsie on x3370 or at
notes on PAL and pointers to papers are also available.
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