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Research into student mindsets

Title: Research into student mindsets: implications for student engagement and retention
Date/time: Wednesday 21 Jan 2009. Session: 2-4pm, (my own slot: 3:30 - 4pm).

Place: Seminar space, top floor (level 5), Sir Alwyn Williams building
How to get there: Instructions

Carol Craig,   Centre for confidence and well being in Glasgow
Emily Cutts,   Centre for confidence and well being in Glasgow
Quintin Cutts,   Department of Computing Science
Steve Draper,   Department of Psychology

Slides Slides
Handout PDF file


You might think that helping a student feel good will lead to improvements in their learning, and that negative feedback should be handled very carefully. However, much research points to the reverse causal direction, where negative feedback supports learning and then good feelings. A key concept here is Dweck's notion of mindsets: whether the learner believes that they can improve. We report on a study in this university in Computing Science that acted on this theory and achieved some success. Studies from elsewhere have also achieved success in widely different subject areas, often with surprisingly small interventions.

In order to book online and obtain further information about the LTDF, please visit Otherwise contact Lucinda Dempsie on x3370 or at

Some notes on related stuff are also available.

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