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Norman Gray,
Nicolas Labrosse,
Sarah Honeychurch,
Steve Draper,
Michael Given, &
Niall Barr,
University of Glasgow.
It is hard to escape the feeling, however, that while it is easy to
make recordings, they are hard to exploit fully: there is more
value in lecture recordings than is readily accessible. Students can
listen to a lecture they missed, or re-listen to a lecture at revision
time, but their interaction is limited by the affordances of the
replaying technology. Listening to lecture audio is generally
solitary, linear, and disjoint from other available media.
In this paper, we describe a tool we are developing at the University
of Glasgow, which enriches students' interactions with lecture audio.
The 'audiotag' tool:
There is a video demo of a recent (but not completely up-to-date)
version of audiotag at
During session 2012-13, the audiotag team have funding from Glasgow
University (i) to formally evaluate the audiotag service in the
context of lecture courses across the university, (ii) to evolve it
towards greater usability, (iii) to develop teaching techniques to
help students exploit the service possibilities, and (iv) to work with
a student developer revisiting the interface and imaginatively
exploiting the available service ecology, with cross-links to other
media. In this paper we will report on progress with these
developments, and discuss the longer-term possibilities.
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Related material:
Making audio recordings of lectures is inexpensive (in money and
time), and technically straightforward. Together, these mean that it
is easy for lecturing staff to create this additional resource without
much in the way of support, which in turn makes it easy to do
routinely and robustly, with little intellectual or technical buy-in.
It is also reasonably easy to distribute the audio to students, and
people have in the past done so using VLEs or services such as Apple's
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Enhancement and innovation in Higher Education.
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