Last changed 30 Dec 2010 ............... Length about 600 words (6000 bytes).
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Help on citation ratings

These instructions are taken from a message by Barry Jones.

The point of these ratings is to judge the quality of a journal. Like all tools (big hammers, for example), it needs to be used intelligently. Generally, though, if it ain't in the list, it ain't worth a ..........


  1. To search database click either link "Science" ("Search JCR Science") or "SocSci" ("Search JCR Social Science")
  2. Dialogue box offering help or service will appear. Select "View journal rankings" for service.
  3. Dialogue box appears for either 1995 or 1997 Rankings Select 1997, usually, unless you're looking for trends.
  4. A scrolling table of 1672 Social Science journals will become available ranked in alphabetic order (1445 for 1995).
  5. Journal information is provided as follows: Journal abbreviation (but recognizable) ISSN Total cites in 1997 Impact factor Immediacy index Total number of articles in 1997 Cited half-life
  6. Clicking on any journal name will provide publisher information.
  7. The full list can be edited by "filter" and "sort" on the options menu or buttons.
  8. Click "filter", filtering can be according to category (subject, 75 of them" about 18 in and around Psychology) country publisher previous marking (marking like in other databases)
  9. Select the different categories to which you want to restrict interest using a selection dialogue box then say "filter"
  10. The scrolling, alphabetised list of 1672 will be replaced by your edited scrolling list.
  11. Click "sort" to rank on any of the list's attributes.
  12. Enjoy.

Mac users need to have downloaded, installed and set up WinFrame Client to be used behind the browser. Down load from the link at the top of the huge table of networked databases (link "backup" on the launchpad).

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