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(Document started on 28 Dec 2014.) This is a WWW document maintained by Steve Draper, installed at You may copy it. How to refer to it.

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GU new printing

By Steve Draper,   Department of Psychology,   University of Glasgow.


  • What's good?:

  • Time taken by printing
  • Stupid UID: green means 'off'
  • Stupid UID: Doesn't wake up on card login
  • Stupid UID: Some of the touch screens (e.g. level 2n) have to be pressed hard many times before they respond. That is the illusion the user gets. In fact the problem is that it prompts for login typein several seconds before it can take it: there is false feedback of readiness, and no feedback when it is ready.

    Printers (this is now very out of date)

    Name Model Kbd size Fns
    level 5c C 2220i very bad Colour, No-stapling
    level 4n C 2220i very bad postscript BUG.
    Colour, No-stapling
    level 2n 4225i poor B&W, stapling
    level 2s C 2220i very bad Colour, No-stapling
    ResRm? waiting rm. C 5240ipoor Colour, stapling
    "Kbd size" refers to the size of the virtual keyboard if you have to type in your password. Poor means it takes me twice as many keystrokes as on my desktop machine; very bad means four times as many. This is because a) the "shift" key is actually CapsLock, so you have to hit it once, then the character, then again to go back to the previous mode; b) on the smaller touch screens you have to shuttle between 4 screens not 2 to get at the characters on a normal keyboard.


    !Check these links are called via "https:" or it won't work.
  • General brief info at GU
  • For (laptop) printing by uploading files to web. Got this to work: upload is from Desktop not Unix.
  • Seeing your own print queue and jobs on it. It won't let you login to the queue more than once in parallel: just says Forbidden, not anything useful to the user. *It wouldn't work on Safari; did on Firefox. OR perhaps logout then login (with GUID)?
    Alt. IP addr.
  • An online manual
  • For GU wide personal options for laptop prints.
  • Where to change passwd
  • Where to register my email for mailing scanned files.
  • Where/how to change print-user on my machine
  • To get a replacement staffcard, email:

  • A GU brief guide
  • A GU user quick-guide
  • Useful document for getting to grips with basic technical issues in colour printers
  • Some Canon documentation
  • To change user attached to a desktop: Utilities →
    Library → printers →
  • Download the printer app for a user machine
  • Report complaints about print system:

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