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Interpreting (level 3) exam results

By Steve Draper,   Department of Psychology,   University of Glasgow.

Some notes on interpreting your exam results.

If they say "ZZ not published" this often means you haven't paid your fees or
some university bill, and your results will be witheld until you do.  See

If they say "7 deferred" that means the dept. hasn't sent in your results, and
should contact you about this.  For instance they may need more medical
evidence; or want to ask you about retaking a year, ... 

If the say "MV approved absence" this means the result is set aside for good
cause.  When your final degree is calculated, all the other marks
Approved absence: means that the result is set aside.  When your final degree
class is calculated, all the other marks will be increased in weight to make
up for it; alternatively you can see it as being replaced by a mark that is the
average of all your other marks at that time.

Es, F9s:  just bring it a bit down, no barrier unless stats.
But E much better than not answering a qu and getting a H.

Can calc your av yourself. but what it means is ...
You don't get an overall 206H mark;  the practical stuff is represented next
year in the "practical paper" which combines marks from level3 coursework, the
practical exam, level 4 CR.  See the level 4 handbook on the web: any changes
for next session would be announced at the start of next session.

Talk about the assess criteria:
Display CT
Display further reading
No gross conceptual misunderstandings.

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