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The idea and practice of feedback vivas are due to Benjamin Franks. They give significant course credit to students to participating; but they succeed in getting students to engage with feedback on their work, and in dialogue about it.
Tutors frequently complain that written feedback is not being followed by students. This leads to frustration on the part of markers, and failure to improve performance by students. The short feedback viva was devised in response. It is a 10-minute formally assessed viva with a student discussing their written feedback from their previously submitted assignment. The written feedback on the essay is provided several days in advance (usually over a week) by the academics.
They have two teachers in with the one student for this 10 minute viva (important in terms of objectivity etc.). From the staff-time point of view they dropped one of the essays from the course to make room for this, and the effect is slightly less overall marking time (assuming a level 2 essay takes about 40 mins to mark). Most arts-based main campus courses only have one essay, so this could be harder to (economically) justify. However, on courses where it is used perhaps the exam course be removed (or shortened)? More radically, perhaps more resources should be directed to this kind of assessment.
The feedback (gathered by an independent evaluator) from students and staff is strongly positive.
The Feedback Viva is so far only used on the course Issues in Contemporary Society.
Additionally, I believe it serves other educational goals about:
The questions in the feedback viva are:
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