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Learning pyramid

By Steve Draper,   Department of Psychology,   University of Glasgow.

Pyramid diagram

  • A simple picture
  • A PDF with the learning pyramid
  • About the pyramid, and its origin
  • A discussion of it
  • Another discussion

    Actually, it's a myth, another myth.


    The pyramid nicely expresses different retention rates.

    The next step will be an inverted pyramid, expressing the amount of material "covered" in each method.

    The third step is to multiply these: probably showing that a constant amount is learned in each case. (It is just that in lectures a lot is mentioned, of which a little sticks; while in teaching others, a little is mentioned, all of which sinks in deep to the teaching learner.)

    Finally, a representation of the amount finally learned, triggered by each type of activity. In the ideal case, a lecture introduces a lot; a little sticks immediately; but all gets followed up. Which is why in our level 3 classes, a student notionally attends one hour of lecture per day, and spends 7 hours reading followup stuff.

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