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In the period Sept-Nov 2008 I produced four papers in part or in whole. This page introduces these papers and how to access them.
What are learners actually regulating when given
This paper introduces the argument that learners are regulating not one but
six learning related goals simultaneously, that this makes typical feedback
events ambiguous, and that this can explain a variety of observed problems.
The implication is that there is a gap between staff attempts to design
feedback for one of those loops, and the actual learner need to act on all six.
Draper,S.W. (2009) "What are learners actually regulating when given feedback?" British Journal of Educational Technology vol.40 no.2 pp.306-315
Draper,S.W. (2009) "Catalytic assessment: understanding how MCQs and EVS can foster deep learning" British Journal of Educational Technology vol.40 no.2 pp.285-293
Draper,S.W. (2008) "Learning and Community" pp.132-144 in A.Comrie, N.J.Mayes, J.T.Mayes & K.Smyth (Editors) Learners in the Co-Creation of Knowledge: Proceedings of the LICK 2008 Symposium, Edinburgh 30 October 2008 (Edinburgh: Napier University).
It will also appear in the online proceedings of
LICK 2008.
A local copy is here: download PDF.
A web page that is effectively a longer, and more rambling, version of it is
Student generated podcasts
A case study of a course that required Arts students who had no special
technical skills to generate video podcasts.
Maguire,J., Stuart,S. & Draper,S.W. (2008) "Student generated podcasts: Learning to cascade rather than create" pp.67-77 in A.Comrie, N.J.Mayes, J.T.Mayes & K.Smyth (Editors) Learners in the Co-Creation of Knowledge: Proceedings of the LICK 2008 Symposium, Edinburgh 30 October 2008 (Edinburgh: Napier University).
It will also appear in the online proceedings of LICK 2008 A local copy is here: download PDF
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