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[Bus times]
IOP project on PER influence
Steve Draper,
Department of Psychology,
University of Glasgow.
The final report should be on the FLIP project web site;
the project website; and there's also a
local copy here.
FLIP project web site
Project blog
Basecamp shared documents site
Edinburgh PER group
PER central (Physics Education Research organisation
in the USA)
Henderson's home page
ICPE conference Aug 2013 Prague
Technology & Innovation Studies, University of Edinburgh
CMU women into computing project
Kealey idea
Kealey himself
The 'Haldane Principle' and other invented traditions in science policy
Network analysis
A possibility is to start our project with a network analysis of PER publications.
Semantic Studios
Lorenzo Vigentini
Project People
Olivia Johnson
Royal Observatory
Nottingham Citizen
Sci. Alliance
Sally Hancock
Imperial College
IC science Communication Group
Judy Hardy
Staff page
Ross Galloway
Staff page
Simon Bates
Google page
Vancouver 1
Vancouver 2
Edinburgh 2
Steve Draper
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[this page]
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