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Steve Draper, installed at
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Presenting a question
(written by
Steve Draper,
as part of the Interactive Lectures website)
What is involved in presenting each question?
Display the question (but don't start the PRS handset software)
Explain it as necessary
"Are you ready to answer it? Anything wrong with this question?"
and encourage any questions, discussion of the question.
Only then, press <start> on the computer system.
Audience answers: wait until the total of votes reach the full audience
Display answers (as a bar graph).
Always try to make at least one oral comment about the distribution of
answers shown on the graph.
Partly for "closure"/acknowledgement; partly to slow you up and let everyone see the results.
State which answer (if any) was right, and decide what to do next.
The presenter's function is, where and when possible, to:
- Home in as fast as possible on to areas of difficulty.
- Provide a discussion of the reasons for selecting an answer / the right
For each question, each learner has to:
- Generate an answer (a little bit of active mental processing, and of a
different kind than listening)
- Pick up what the right answer was
- Discover whether they themselves got that one right
- Discover how they compared to the rest of the class on that question
- Generate or pick up reasons for the answer; or more generally, reasons for
and against each alternative answer.
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