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Here are the main ideas about question types that emerged from the first semester of EVS use at GCAL in the business school.
Example: the Economics concept of "a public good": one which, like a
lighthouse or street lighting, is non-excludable (can't stop people using it)
and non rival in consumption (one person using it doesn't stop others).
Other multi-question design ideas are discussed on the main website, particularly at:
For instance, you could launch a discussion question with a quick initial vote at the end of a lecture, not comment on the right answer but say the discussion will continue online, and seed a discussion forum on the VLE with the question and initial vote (barchart). Shortly before the next lecture, inspect the VLE discussion, then start the next lecture by referring to this and having another vote.
Alternatively, end the lecture with a discussion vote, and then say that discussion will be launched in the seminars.
Alternatively again, use the VLE forums to launch a discussion in advance of the seminars. And one way to define a discussion could be a set of questions as in [4] above, where simple and tricky versions together in effect define a topic.
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