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Education projects using ICT data logging

By Stephen W. Draper
Department of Psychology
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ U.K.

Contents (click to jump to a section)


My notes prompted by the Revelation workshop on 17 Nov 1999, and subsequent conversations with Richard Thomas. This now has many points from him.

ICT data logging for educational aims

The topic here is ICT data logging for educational aims. (I'll refer to this as ICTDL.) ICT means information and communications technology (i.e. computers and networks). Data logging means collecting automatically data on use or messages; storing large quantities of it; perhaps aggregating over many times and computers i.e. distributed collection over networks; and finally processing and reporting on it. The context is education: so the data will be on educational usages. And the question is: would this be of any educational use i.e. could it somehow improve learning outcomes?

Examples of applying ICTDL for educational benefit

Only four specific examples of ICTDL for educational benefit were mentioned at the workshop in my hearing:
  1. In the CSE (common student environment: the public clusters providing basic ICT services for undergraduates): aggregating logs of usage to show, and feedback quickly (over a few days) to students, the times when each cluster is busy / or likely to have free places.
  2. Richard Thomas, in the Sydney study (Kay & Thomas, 1995), aggregated logs of patterns of command usage (in an introductory course on an editor). This led to teachers modifying the course next year in line with what functions actually got used.
  3. Ideas I got in talking a few years ago with Martin Gilbert on the idea of lecture theatres with multi-button data entry devices at each seat (handheld or wired in): Both of these might be done with or without asking (and remembering) what the department or previous courses of that student is: so that strengths and weaknesses of either learning or attitudes to the teaching could be associated with educational (disciplinary) history.
  4. In a staffed computing lab. class, or any other subject taught through computers with built in exercises, instant monitoring of such test points allows the staff to seek out the most backwards students for immediate attention. Makes much more effective use of tutors, and any errors in the data or in inferences from the data would be immediately corrected in the resulting face to face exchange. Equally, identifying the fastest students could be important; either to offer them more challenges, or else to recruit them as peer tutors for the other students. Both are effective in giving them (the fastest students) more benefit from the course.

Technology-driven or educationally driven

It's a grossly technology-driven initiative, and the track record of that is poor (Draper, 1998). There is also a long history (80 years, say) of technology claiming but failing to revolutionise education (Cuban, 1986).

Identifying novel ICTDL benefits for education

On the other hand, we could try to identify or imagine, and then exploit, genuine novel educational advantages of the technology:
  1. Privacy: if only aggregate scores within a classroom are used/stored/displayed, then students can give anonymous on the spot feedback to the lecturer, while all can see if this is widely agreed or just a few unusual students. While all the comments at the workshop were about protecting the data against privacy problems, in fact the technology offers a major improvement (not decrease) in privacy compared to shows of hands or face to face questions and comments.
  2. Instant aggregation: students could self-mark their tests, but also see how their mark compares to the aggregate class mark distribution. The aggregation / relative mark is the (only) value-added bit. It also applies to feedback questionnaires: instantly aggregating the data, and supporting multiple choice rather than binary responses better than shows of hands do.
  3. Participation reminders. Logging can detect/notify participation, like taking a register or noticing student numbers and/or individuals in class. The advantage is in extending this function to distance education; and also in campus education, in automating this, and so making it easy to do more of it. E.g. supplying attendance numbers to QA processes, seeing how many have actually accessed the web site for this week's assignment, etc.
  4. Collaborative filtering? Think about "collaborative filtering" (as at extracting advice for users from stored logs of behaviour patterns. Linton (1999) has a paper on recording people's usage of Word commands (their actively used command sets), and transmitting that to other users as implicit suggestions. For students, show them "enrolment options" i.e. what combinations of modules other students sign up to (particularly valuable at University of Glasgow for level 1 options).
  5. Possible applications of data analysis:

Broad types of ICTDL application

I think there are 3 broad types of application for such ICTDL:
  1. Instant use within classes (time scale of a minute). Don't store it, or transmit it; but use it for privacy feedback, and for adding aggregation to SAQs in class. [Key issues: This is using ICT to enhance what can be done with a face to face meeting. An extension of it for distance learning, to give a better sense of engagement: let them see how they are doing in relation to the community (class of distance learners). Of course, this would also be useful for demos of survey techniques (e.g. in HCI and psychology lectures).
  2. Usage monitoring (timescale ~ 3 days)
  3. Models of expertise over long time frames, as in Richard Thomas' work. This applies to computing as a subject matter e.g. the IT skills course for all students. But also it could be extended in all courses using ICT to catch incipient dropouts on the basis of their behaviour (or lack of it) compared to statistical models of themselves and others. Some of the examples above of data analysis refer to this long timescale. But usage monitoring on longer timescales is also important, though may be difficult to automate, in order to notice what new software is being used. For instance, some universities have had big battles when central support becomes out of touch with the software being used in reality on students' private machines at home: clearly coordinating this usage is important, and is NOT something that can be decided by the university: which on the contrary must fit in with what the students use if any real use of ICT in home learning is to happen. An issue of this kind now starting to erode basic communication is that students do not in general seem to be able to forward email from university accounts to the hotmail accounts some "really" use: with the result that communications from teachers are not read regularly or at all. Integration of private and university ICT is needed, and ICTDL could guide the strategic management of this.

Technologists and educationalists

The workshop spent most of its directed effort around the question of problems of communication between technologists and educationalists. This presupposes that they need to. If they do, then as someone said in the end you probably just need to find/create people with training in both.

However this seems to presuppose that ICT for education is like designing a bank's workflow system, where everyone's job will revolve around the technology. But most ICT use in education uses off the shelf stuff: so the adaptation is all done by the educationalist.

The one really important requirement for technologists to grasp is "pace": the speed with which the artifact can be modified (by the teacher, without special equipment or training): that is why OHPs displaced 35mm slides, why face to face lectures/classes persist: they are all part of supporting instant adaptation of teaching to specific students. The idea that needs are fixed at the requirements stage, several years before students get to the software, seems enormously stupid, and doomed to educational failure. Or rather, such software can only be like textbooks: fixed lumps around which the educational adaptations are made by others.

Having said all that, we could try to spot where/whether/if there are ANY distinct educational advantages in ICTDL: as discussed above. Packages for these might be useful, if they were as easy to learn to use as an OHP is. Then it would just take about a decade for the university to install the equipment in every teaching room.

Jargon and abbreviations

  • CSE = Common Student Environment: the public clusters providing basic ICT services for undergraduates at the University of Glasgow.
  • ICT means Information and Communications Technology (i.e. computers and networks).
  • ICTDL = ICT Data Logging (for educational aims).
  • MCQ = Multiple Choice Questions (i.e. those with answers being restricted to choosing one of a few discrete alternatives).
  • Revelation: an ICT project   (see here).
  • SAQs: Self Assessment Questions. They are self-marked by the learner, and allow them to judge whether they need to work more on this topic or not.

    Appendix: Applying Ausubel

    On 3 Nov 1999 I attended a talk by Ghassan Sirhan on interventions in a general introductory chemistry course at this university. (I think this work is in a dissertation currently being examined.) The analysis divided students by their prior chemistry qualifications, which were of widely varying standards (including none at all). Without the interventions, substantial group differences in attainment were shown i.e. prior qualifications predicted attainment in the course. With the interventions, this difference was eliminated. This is of course striking: most interventions you would expect to improve all students, thus moving all group means up and preserving some difference unless the improvements were so great as to hit "ceiling" with near perfect performance. The interventions were inspired by Ausubel, and essentially supported students in checking whether they had the prerequisite concepts and tools, and then supported them in remedying the gaps they had identified in themselves. One technique was "pre-lectures": using the first lecture in each block to do a self-assessment test, with tutors and peer support present for immediate followup on request. The other was a large set of sheets of so-called "organisers" on key problem types, each with an example problem, the concepts needed to address it, a solution strategy, the solution.

    This approach is (I think) attacking what is otherwise a widespread weakness in teaching here (and perhaps elsewhere), of just assuming students have prerequisite knowledge ready and active in their minds for a block of teaching, and instead actually checking, activating, and remediating it as needed. As Ausubel said, the biggest determinant of learning is what the learner already knows (or doesn't).


    Ausubel, D.P., Novak, J.D. & Hanesian, H. (1968 / 78) Educational psychology: a cognitive view (Holt, Rinehart, & Winston: New York) epigraph: "If I had to reduce all of educational psychology to just one principle, I would say this: the most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly."

    Cuban, Larry (1986) Teachers and machines : the classroom use of technology since 1920 (New York; London : Teachers College Press)

    Draper, S.W. (1997) The problem of Departmental Web pages [WWW document]. URL:

    Draper, S.W. (1998) "Niche-based success in CAL" Computers and Education vol.30, pp.5-8 [also WWW document]. URL:

    Kay J. and Thomas R.C. "Studying long term system use" Communications of the ACM Special Issue on End-user Training and Learning, Vol 38, 7, pp.61-69, July 1995.

    Linton,F., Deborah Joy,D. & Schaefer,H.P. (1999) "Building user and expert models by long-term observation of application usage" UM99 User Modeling: Proceedings of the seventh international conference (Springer-Verlag: Wien, Austria) pp.129-138

    Sirhan,Ghassan (1999) Dissertation in preparation? See appendix. And contact him at: and at the Centre for Science Education

    Richard Thomas (1998) Long Term Human-Computer Interaction : An Exploratory Perspective (Springer Verlag).

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