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The textbook for the course is: Brysbaert & Rastle Historical And Conceptual Issues In Psychology (Harlow : Pearson/Prentice Hall) [GU lib: Psychology B351 BRY E-book ]
There are two editions: First edition (2009) Second edition (2013).
Another excellent book is:
Schultz, D. P., & Schultz, S. E. (2012).
Modern Psychology - A History (Wadsworth, Cengage Learning)
[Library: Psychology B380 SCHUL3]
Another good book, which helps for some of lectures 8-13:
Harré, Rom (2006)
Key thinkers in psychology
[electronic resource in the library]
(London : SAGE)
Most (not quite all) of the following are on the library reading list; and from there direct links to the document are much better done; although they are not in alphabetic order of the author. However here they are alphabetic, one or two new ones added, but the direct links are mostly missing.
Brown,George W. & Harris, Tirril (1978) Social origins of depression: a study of psychiatric disorder in women (London: Tavistock Publications) [GU Lib Level 5 Medicine RN71 1978-B]
Draper, S.W. (1988) "What's going on in everyday explanation?" in C.Antaki (ed.) Analysing everyday explanation: a casebook of methods (Sage Publications: London) pp.15-31. [Not in GU library]
Draper, S.W. (2012) Correlation and causation
Feynman, R.P. (1985) "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!": Adventures Of A Curious Character (London: Norton) [GU lib: physics A20.F37 1985-F]
Gibson, J.J.
The Ecological Approach To Visual Perception
(Hillsdale ; London : Erlbaum, 1986.) [GUL5, Psychology D230 GIB]
The Perception Of The Visual World
Boston, Mass. : Houghton Mifflin Co., c1950. [GUL5, Psychology D230 GIB2]
The Senses Considered As Perceptual Systems
London : Allen & Unwin, 1968. [GUL5, Psychology D380 GIB2]
Hailman, J.P. (1967) "The ontogeny of an instinct" Behavior Supplement 15.
Hailman, J.P. (1969) "How an instinct is learned" Scientific American vol.221 no.6 pp.98-106
Hakala, J. & Ylijoki, O.-H. (2001) "Research for whom? Research orientations in three academic cultures" Organization vol.8 no.2 pp.373-380
Hanlon, Phil: Culture, well-being, and health (Phil Hanlon): Papers Podcasts (videos) another video
Keller. I have lost my original reference. But if you google "Keller reductionism" in google-Scholar, then you find two different Kellers who have published on this in relation to psychology. http://scholar.google.co.uk/
Kieras, D.E. & Bovair,S. (1984) "The role of a mental model in learning to operate a device" Cognitive Science vol.8 no.3 pp.255-273
Kline,S.J. (1985) "Innovation is not a linear process" Research Management vol.28 no.4 pp.36-45 http://arldocdel.iii.com/32964.pdf
Kline,S.J. (1995) Conceptual foundations for multidisciplinary thinking (Stanford UP: Stanford CA)
Knox et al. (2003) Brit. Medical journal vol.327 p.1376 doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7428.1376 [A public health success in mental health.]
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, W Kyle Simmons, Patrick SF Bellgowan, and Chris I Baker (2009) Nat Neurosci. 2009 May 12(5) pp.535-540 doi:10.1038/nn.2303 [Criticism about whether many neuroscience results are in fact valid, or made on the basis of faulty stats and methods.]
Kuhn, Thomas S. (1962) The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions (London : University of Chicago Press) [GU lib: Gen Sci M8 1970-K]
Latour, Bruno (various) [Most of his books and papers offer a different view
of the process of science.]
Latour, Bruno (1999)
Pandora's hope: Essays on the Reality of Science Studies
Leroi, Armand (2011)
Aristotle's Lagoon
Leroi, Armand M. (2014)
The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science
(Bloomsbury Publishing) ISBN:9781408836217
Maslow, A.H. (1943) "A theory of human motivation" Psychological Review vol.50 no.4 pp.370-396. Copy wikiPedia
Nield, T (2007) Supercontinent: Ten Billion Years in the Life of Our Planet (London: Granta) See pp.131-133, and 143-145.
Papert, S. & Harel, I. (1991) "Situating Constructionism" Constructionism (Ablex Publishing Corporation) pp.193-206. Retrieved from http://www.papert.org/articles/SituatingConstructionism.html
Perkins, K.K. and Wieman,C.E. (2005) "The Surprising Impact of Seat Location on Student Performance" The Physics Teacher vol.43 January pp.30-33 [This is an example of an experiment without a theory: they show there is an effect, but do not offer an explanation.]
Petroski, Henry (1985) To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design (London: Macmillan) [GU lib: Engineering PA450 1985-P]
Petroski, Henry (2008) Success through Failure: The Paradox of Design (Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press)
Popper, K. (1972) The logic of scientific discovery (London: Hutchinson) [GU lib: Gen Sci M15 1968-P]
Popper, K. (1969) Conjectures and refutations: the growth of scientific knowledge (London: Routledge) [GU lib: Gen Sci M8 1969-P]
Russell, Bertrand (1913) Theory of knowledge ??
Sacks, O. (1992) Migraine (London: Picador) [GU lib: Medicine RB96 1992-S]
Shayer, M. (1992) "Problems and issues in intervention studies" in Demetriou,A., Shayer,M. & Efklides,A. (eds.) Neo-Piagetian theories of cognitive development: implications and applications for education ch.6 pp.107-121 (London : Routledge)
Spinney, Laura (2011) "Boy brain, girl brain: How the sexes act differently" New Scientist, no.2802, 8 March 2011 http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg20928021.400-boy-brain-girl-brain-how-the-sexes-act-differently.html
Veyne, P. (1976) Bread and circuses (London: Penguin) [GU lib: Level 10 Classics RA260 VEY]
Wall, Patrick (1999) Pain : the science of suffering [GU lib 5, Medicine RF8 1999-W]
White, Michael (1997) Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer (Helix books)
You might be in this position for several reasons:
If you are an undergraduate you probably already have a first year textbook:
go back and use it for the things above. If not, a second hand copy of such a
textbook would be useful if it's not very old. The library always has copies of
such textbooks: and in fact, has copies of textbooks now not used but still
recent. They will be on the library shelves around Shelf-mark
Psychology B481.
(The current textbook at this university is:
Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., Vliek, M., Passer, M.V., and Smith,
R.E., (2012). Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour.)
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