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[For each lecture I give a) the lecture summary b) the learning objectives.]
1-2a Introduction to HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) and applying
psychology to design. An introduction to the concepts of user centered design
and the prototyping approach, and the contribution psychology can make.
1-2b Students will be able to discuss critically issues of how psychology
may be applied to design, and to problems requiring redesign as a solution.
Students should be able to discuss what user centered design may mean, and to
describe the prototyping cycle.
3a Thinkaloud protocols
3b Students should be able to administer a thinkaloud protocol, and to
discuss its strengths and weaknesses as in instrument.
4a Incident diaries
4b Students should be able to design and administer an incident diary, and
to discuss its strengths and weaknesses as in instrument.
5a Feature checklists. How to compare different instruments related to
questionnaires; and the full set of instruments.
5b Students should be able to design and administer the ramge of seven
instruments, and to discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
6-8a Minimal manuals: a user-centered approach to designing computer
documentation. One of the few outcomes of direct commercial value from HCI
research is the minimalist technique, derived by a psychologist in the course
of a long series of studies.
6-8b Students should be able both to describe the technique, and to apply
Lecture 9a:
The nature of learning in Higher Education (HE).
Learning as a problem-solving activity.
Learning as a social activity.
Learning and teaching as a social transaction.
9b: Students will be able to discuss the extent to which learning in HE is:
Lecture 10a:
Student and teacher attitudes to educational learning:
a) Deep & shallow learning.
b) Perry, W.G. (1970)
"Forms of intellectual and ethical development in the college years"
Perry's developmental stage model of views of the nature of knowledge, learning
and teaching: from passive reception of absolute truth to active choice between
justifiable alternative views.
10b: Students will be able to:
* Describe the concept of Deep vs. shallow learning
* Discuss its problems and limitations
* Describe Perry's stage model
* Discuss its problems and limitations
Lectures 11a & 12a:
The Laurillard model of the learning and teaching process. Laurillard (1993)
"Rethinking University Teaching"
Mathemagenic (learning-promoting) activities.
Laurillard's 12 activity model. Its 3 underlying principles: equal focus on
teachers and learners, repetition and convergence (the conversation model), the
two levels of knowledge: public description and personal experience.
11b & 12b: Students will be able to:
* Describe and illustrate with examples the 12 activity model
* Describe and illustrate with examples its three generating principles
* Critique the notion of mathemagenic activity
* Critique Laurillard's 12 activity model
13-16a Beyond Laurillard and towards a complete model. The relationship of
Laurillard to the other models of teaching and learning, and issues that may
not be covered by any of them but require further theory development. These
include: peer interaction (addressed later), social theories such as Tinto
and Lave, and how learners self-regulate their effort, internalisation,
constructivism, metacognition, the "Dr. Fox" experiments;
the management layer (extending the Laurillard model to describe how
activities are agreed and organised by learners and teachers),
proactiveness, Self-regulation as a feedback loop, Lifelong learning,
13-16b Students will be able to discuss the extent to which any of the
theories is complete, the challenges offered by the various other issues
covered, and the prospects for an eventual complete, unified theory of learning
and teaching in HE.
Students will be able to:
Describe and illustrate with examples how learning is managed by interaction
between learner and teacher.
17-18a Peer interaction. The work of Howe, Miyake; the concept of
metacognition, and social perspectives on learning.
17-18b Students will be able to discuss the importance of peer interaction,
and social interaction generally, for learning;
and how the Laurillard model really doesn't address it.
19a Technoscepticism: the argument (by Clark) that technology never causes
learning, only changes to the teaching approach have ever been shown to do that.
19b Students should be able to discuss both sides of this debate, and the
positions that might be taken today e.g. that technology can make good
practice so much easier and cheaper that it is influential in this way.
20a The relationship of Perry, Laurillard, and Deep&Shallow learning.
Applying psychology, and the relationship of educational and HCI applications.
20b Students should be able to discuss the similarity and differences of these
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