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What most of us most immediately recognise here, is that the first thing staff do is dump their slides on line: requires no real work. Next, we see forums created but no student activity on them. But next again (maybe a year or two later) staff discover how to stimulate student discussion.
Further on in the sequence, I can see echos of issues I've seen elsewhere: for instance going beyond isolated learning activities and thinking about piecing them together so that one leads to another (e.g. write your first draft of an assignment, students read each others', give each other comments, revise their own).
And at the advanced end (the bottom), I see forms of "contingent teaching" where what the teacher picks up from the class changes what they do. Here (in Moodle) it is about using the Survey to get feedback on student views and ways of learning, just as Just In Time Teaching uses student answers to a quiz to determine what the next class will address.
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