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Integrative evaluation:
An emerging role for classroom studies of CAL
S.W.Draper, M.I.Brown, F.P.Henderson, E.McAteer
Department of Psychology
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ U.K.
email: steve@psy.gla.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.psy.gla.ac.uk/~steve
This paper is derived from a paper at CAL95, and appeared
in the journal Computers&Education vol. 26 (1996) no.1-3 pp.17-32.
This paper describes work by the
evaluation group
within the TILT
(Teaching with Independent Learning Technologies) project.
Enquiries about this paper (and other evaluation work) should be sent to the
first author at the address above. Enquiries about TILT generally should be
sent to the project director: Gordon Doughty
g.doughty@elec.gla.ac.uk or G.F.Doughty,
Robert Clark Centre, 66 Oakfield Avenue, Glasgow G12 8LS, U.K.
The TILT project is funded through the
programme (Teaching and Learning Technology Programme) by the UK university
funding bodies (DENI, HEFCE, HEFCW, SHEFC) and by the
University of Glasgow.
The studies discussed here could not have been done without the active
participation of many members of the Glasgow university teaching staff to
whom we are grateful.
Contents (click to jump)
1. Introduction
2. General features of our approach
3. Overview of our "method"
...3.1 Our "outer method": interaction with teachers and developers
...3.2 "Inner method": some instruments
.........Computer Experience questionnaire
.........Task Experience Questionnaire
.........Observations (by evaluator, possibly using video)
.........Student confidence logs
.........Knowledge quizzes
.........Post Task Questionnaire (PTQ)
.........Focus groups or interviews with a sample of students
.........Learning Resource Questionnaire
.........Post Course questionnaire
4. Some problematic issues
...General points
.........Subjects with the right prior knowledge
.........The evaluators' dependence on collaboration with teachers
.........Subjects with the right motivation to learn
.........Attitude measures
.........Confidence logs
.........Knowledge quizzes
.........Delayed learning gains
.........Auto compensation
.........Open-ended measures
...Other factors affecting learning
.........Study habits for CAL
.........Hawthorne effects
5. Summary of the core attributes of our approach
6. Discussion: what is the use of such studies in practice?
...6.1 Formative evaluation
...6.2 Summative evaluation
...6.3 Illuminative evaluation
...6.4 Integrative evaluation
...6.5 QA functions
...6.6 Limitations and the need for future work
This paper reviews the work of a team over two and a half years whose
remit has been to "evaluate" a diverse range of CAL (Computer Assisted
Learning) in use in a university setting. It gives an overview of the team's
current method, including some of the instruments most often used, and
describes some of the painful lessons from early attempts. It then offers a
critical discussion of what the essential features of the method are, and of
what such studies are and are not good for. One of the main conclusions, with
hindsight, is that its main benefit is as "integrative evaluation": to help
teachers make better use of the CAL by adjusting how it is used, rather than by
changing the software or informing purchasing decisions.
The authors constitute the evaluation group within a large project on
CAL (Computer Assisted Learning) across a university, which has run for about
two and half years at the time of writing (Doughty et al.; 1995). We were
charged with evaluating the CAL courseware whose use was being developed by
other members of the project. In response we have performed over 20 studies of
teaching software in our university across a very wide range of subject
disciplines, from Dentistry to Economic History, from Music to Engineering,
from Zoology practicals to library skills. More detailed accounts of some of
these studies and of some of our methods are available elsewhere: Draper et al.
(1994), Creanor et al. (1995), Brown et al. (1996), McAteer et al. (1996),
Henderson et al. (1996). In this paper we review our experience as a whole,
describe our current method, and discuss how it might be justified and what in
fact it has turned out to be useful for.
A popular term for the activity described here, and the one our project
used for it, is "evaluation" — a term which implies making a (value)
judgement. A better statement of our aim however is "to discover how an
educational intervention performs" by observing and measuring the teaching and
learning process, or some small slice of it. Our function is to provide
better information than is ordinarily available about what is going on and its
effects; it is up to others, most likely the teachers concerned, to use that
information. One use would be to make judgements e.g. about whether to
continue to use some piece of software ("summative" evaluation). Other uses
might be to improve the design of the software ("formative" evaluation), to
change how it is used (e.g. support it by handouts and tutorials —
"integrative" evaluation), or to demonstrate the learning quality and quantity
achieved (a QA function).
Our basic aim, then, was to observe and measure what we could about the
courseware and its effects. Practical constraints would place some limits on
what we could do towards this aim. Over time we learned a lot about how and
how not to run such studies. Now we are in a position to review what uses
studies under these conditions turn out to have: not exactly the uses we
originally envisaged
Our starting point was influenced by standard
summative studies. We felt we should be able to answer questions about the
effect of the courseware, and that this meant taking pre- and
post-intervention measures. Furthermore, we felt these measures should derive
from the students (not from on-lookers' opinions). This led to studies of the
actual classes the software is designed for, and the need for instruments that
can be administered to all students before and after the courseware. Such
studies have the great virtue of being in a strong position to achieve
validity: having realistic test subjects in real conditions.
Various pressures contribute to maintaining an emphasis on these special
classroom opportunities, despite some drawbacks.
1. We are most likely to be invited to do a study (or, if we take the
initiative, to secure agreement) when new courseware is being introduced to
classes. There are several reasons for this.
1.1 This corresponds with many people's idea of evaluation as a one-shot, end
of project, summative activity. Thus it is usually the default idea of
developers, authors, teachers, funding bodies, universities etc.. The
desirability of this is discussed below, but meanwhile it has a large effect on
expectations, and hence on opportunities.
1.2 Experimental technique requires pre- and post-tests using quantitative
measures in controlled conditions. This means that a lot of effort from the
students, the teaching staff, and the investigators is put into each such
occasion; and so it is unlikely that they can afford to do this often. Once a
year is all that can be easily afforded.
2. The most important criterion in testing is whether the courseware is
effective i.e. do students learn from it. It is hard to test this without a
complete implementation.
3. It is important to get test subjects who are motivated to learn, and don't
know the material already. These are often only available once a year in the
target classes.
4. An advantage of this that we came to appreciate is that then the whole
situation is tested, not just the courseware which in reality is only one
factor in determining learning outcomes.
5. One important limit is the need not to overload the students. As
investigators, we were happy to keep on multiplying the tests, questionnaires
and interviews in order to learn more, but we quickly learned that students
have a strictly limited tolerance for this addition to their time and trouble
on such occasions. Hence potential instruments must compete with each other at
minimising their cost to the students.
6. Investigator time is also a limiting factor. There are always far fewer
investigators than students, so at best only a small sample can be interviewed
and individually observed. We must therefore concentrate on paper
Thus our method focusses around such big occasions, and in effect is organised
to make the most of these opportunities: to observe and measure what can be
observed under these conditions. We tend to study real students learning as
part of their course. We rely on paper instruments (e.g. questionnaires,
multiple choice tests) to survey the whole class, supplemented by personal
observations and interviews with a sample.
Each particular study is designed separately, depending upon the goals
of the evaluation, upon the particular courseware to be studied, and upon the
teaching situation in which it is to be used. Each design draws on our battery
of methods and instruments, which are still actively evolving, and which are
selected and adapted anew for each study. In this section we describe what is
common in our approach across most studies, but the considerable degree of
individual adaptation means that the reader should understand that the term
"method" should be read as having inverted commas: it has not been a fixed
procedure mechanically applied. On the other hand there has been a substantial
uniformity in what we did despite great variations in the material being taught
and in performing both formative evaluations of unfinished software and studies
of finished software in its final classroom use.
Such studies are a collaborative effort between evaluators (ourselves),
teachers (i.e. the lecturer or professor responsible for running the teaching
activity plus his or her assistants), students, and (if the software is
produced in-house) developers (the designers and writers of the software). Any
failure to secure willing cooperation from the students was marked by a drop in
the the number and still more in the usefulness of the returns. The teacher's
cooperation is still more central: not only for permission and class time, but
for the design of tests of learning gains, and interpretation of the results to
which, as the domain experts, they are crucial contributors. As a rule, the
evaluators will have most to say about the basic data, both evaluators and
teachers will contribute substantially to interpretations of the probable
issues and causes underlying the observations, and the teachers or developers
will have most to say about what action if any they may now plan as a
Our method can be seen as having two levels. The "outer method" concerns
collaborating with the teachers and developers to produce and agree a design
for the study, carry it out at an identified opportunity, and produce a report
including input from the teacher about what the observations might mean.
Within that is an "inner method" for the selection and design of specific
instruments and observational methods.
Generally we would follow a pattern summarised as follows:
1. One or more meetings, perhaps prepared for by a previous elicitation of
relevant information by mail, of evaluators with teachers or developers to:
* Establish the teachers' goals for the evaluation
* Elicit the learning aims and objectives to be studied
* Elicit the classroom provision, course integration, and other features of the
teaching situation and support surrounding the courseware itself e.g. how the
material is assessed, whether it is a scheduled teaching event or open
* Establish options for classroom observation, questionnaire administration,
interviews, etc.
* Discuss the feasibility of creating a learning quiz or other measure of
learning gains.
2. An evaluator may go through the software to get an impression of what is
involved there.
3. The teacher creates (if feasible) a quiz with answers and marking scheme,
and defines any other assessment methods.
4. Evaluator and teacher finalise a design for the study.
5. Classroom study occurs.
6. A preliminary report from the evaluators is presented to the teacher, and
interpretations of the findings sought and discussed.
7. Final report produced.
Every study is different, but a prototypical design of a large study
might use all of the following instruments.
This asks about past and current computer training, usage, skills,
attitudes to and confidence about computers and computer assisted learning. We
use this less and less, as has turned out to be seldom an important factor.
Where particular skills are targeted by courseware, it can be useful for
teachers to have some information about students' current experience in the
domain. If possible this questionnaire should be administered to students at a
convenient point which is prior to the class within which the courseware
evaluation itself is to run. (This is not to be confused with diagnostic tests
to establish individual learning needs, which might be provided so that
students can enter a series of teaching units at an appropriate level).
Whenever possible we have at least one evaluator at a site as an
observer, gathering open-ended observations. Sometimes we have set up a video
camera to observe one computer station, while the human observers might watch
(Example in appendix A.)
These are checklists of specific learning objectives for a courseware package,
provided by the teacher, on which students rate their confidence about their
grasp of underlying principles or their ability to perform tasks. Typically
they do this immediately before encountering a set of learning materials or
engaging in a learning exercise, then again immediately afterward. If there
are several exposures to the information in different settings —
tutorials, practical labs, lectures, independent study opportunities, say
— then they may be asked to complete them at several times. A rise in
scores for an item upon exposure to a particular activity shows that the
students at least believe they have learned from it, while no rise makes it
unlikely to have been of benefit. Since this instrument measures confidence
rather than a behavioural demonstration of knowledge like an exam, it is only
an indirect indication to be interpreted with some caution. Nevertheless,
simple to use, these logs are proving to be an unexpectedly useful diagnostic
(Example in appendix B.)
These are constructed by the teacher and given to students before and after an
intervention, and at a later point (delayed post-test) where sensible. Each
question usually corresponds to a distinct learning objective. For consistent
marking, these quizzes are usually multiple choice. Their purpose is
assessment of the courseware and other teaching — low average post-test
scores on a particular question point to a learning objective that needs
better, or different, treatment. High average pre-test scores may suggest
that certain content is redundant. They can sometimes be usefully incorporated
as a permanent part of the program, focusing attention before study, or for
self assessment after a session.
(Example in appendix C.)
This is usually given immediately after the student has completed the class
session which involves use of the courseware. It can be extended to fit other,
related, classwork with optional questions depending on its occasion of use.
It gathers "survey" information, at a fairly shallow level, about what
students felt they were doing during the learning task, and why. It can also
ask specific questions about points in which teachers, developers or
evaluators are specifically interested — e.g. the use and usefulness of
a glossary, perceived relevance of content or activity to the course in which
it is embedded, etc. Also some evaluative judgements by students can be sought
if wanted at that point. Ideally the information gained (which we are still
seeking to extend as we develop the instrument further) should be supplemented
by sample interviews and/or focus groups. The Resource Questionnaire (see
below) shares some content items with the PTQ - where appropriate, questions
could be loaded on to that, to prevent too much use of student time during
H4>Focus groups or interviews with a sample of students
Focus groups consist of a group of students and an investigator, who will have
a few set questions to initiate discussion.
The students' comments act as prompts for each other, often more important
than the investigator's starting questions. Both focus groups and interviews
have two purposes. Firstly, as a spoken method of administering fixed
questions (e.g. from the PTQ) they allow a check on the quality of the written
responses from the rest of the students. Secondly they are used as an
open-ended instrument to elicit points that were not foreseen when designing
the questionnaires. Generally we get far more detail from these oral accounts
than from written ones, especially if the answers are probed by follow up
questions, and in addition we can ask for clarification on the spot of any
unclear statements.
H4>Learning Resource Questionnaire
With the teachers, we produce a checklist of available learning resources
(e.g. lectures, courseware, books, tutorials, other students etc.) and ask
students to indicate, against each item, whether they used it, how useful it
was, how easily accessed, how critical for their study etc. We would normally
administer this during a course, during exam revision, and perhaps after an
exam. It has two main functions. The first is to look at students'
independent learning strategies in the context of a department's teaching
resources (which do they seek out and spend time on). The second is to
evaluate those resources (which do they actually find useful). This
questionnaire is especially useful for courses within which the computer
package is available in open access labs, when it is not possible to monitor
classes at a sitting by Post Task Questionnaires. This instrument is
discussed in detail in Brown et al. (1996).
Sometimes there are useful questions which can be asked of students at
the end of a course or section of course which has involved the use of CAL.
Teachers may seek information to expand or clarify unexpected observations made
while the classes were in progress. We might want to get an overview from the
students, to put with their daily "post task" feedback, or we may want to ask
questions that may have seemed intrusive at the start of the course but, once
students are familiar with the course, the evaluation itself and the
evaluators, are more naturally answered. This instrument can be useful where a
resource questionnaire (a more usual place for "post course" general questions)
is not appropriate.
Access to subsequent exam performance on one or more relevant
In some cases it is later possible to obtain access to relevant exam
results. Exam questions are not set to please evaluators, so only occasionally
is there a clear correspondence between an exam item and a piece of CAL.
In the course of our studies, a number of issues struck us with some
force. Often they were epitomised by a specific experience.
One of us was called on to comment on a piece of CAL being developed on
the biochemistry of lipid synthesis. As he had no background knowledge of
biochemistry at all, he was inclined to suggest that the courseware was too
technical and offered no handle to the backward students who might need it
most. In fact, tests on the target set of students showed that this was quite
wrong, and that they all were quite adequately familiar with the basic notation
required by the courseware. This shows the importance, however informal the
testing, of finding subjects with sufficient relevant pre-requisite knowledge
for the material. It is not possible to hire subjects from the general
population (not even the general undergraduate population) to test much of the
CAL in higher education.
The converse point, perhaps more familiar but equally important, is that using
subjects with too much knowledge is equally likely to be misleading. Hence
asking teachers to comment is of limited value as they cannot easily imagine
what it is like not to know the material already. Similarly, in one of our
formative studies of a statistical package, we used students from a later point
in the course who had already covered the material. On the few points where
they had difficulty we could confidently conclude there was a problem to be
cleared up, but when they commented that on the whole they felt the material
was too elementary we could not tell whether to accept that as a conclusion or
that it was simply because they already knew the material. This illustrates
how, while some conclusions can be drawn from other subjects (if over-qualified
subjects have difficulty or under-qualified subjects find it trivial then there
must be a problem), only subjects with exactly the right prior knowledge
qualifications are most useful. This contributes to the pressure on using real
target classes, despite the limited supply.
The same experiences and considerations also show that evaluators are
often wholly unqualified in domain knowledge especially for university courses,
whether of biochemistry or of sixteenth century musicianship. Teachers are
qualified in the domain knowledge, and so evaluators must depend on them for
this (e.g. in designing knowledge quizzes, and in judging the answers), as well
as for interpreting findings (whether of poor scores or of student comments) in
terms of what the most likely causes and remedies are. On the other hand
teachers are over-qualified in knowledge, hence the value of doing studies with
real students.
Subjects must equally have the right motivation to learn (i.e. the same
as in the target situation). Where would you find subjects naturally interested
in learning about statistics or lipid synthesis? Such people are rare, and in
any case not representative of the target group, who in many cases only learn
because it is a requirement of the course they are on. This was brought home
to us in an early attempt to study a Zoology simulation package. The teacher
announced its availability and recommended it to a class. The evaluators
turned up, but not a single student. Only when it was made compulsory was it
Paying subjects is not in general a solution, although it may be worth it for
early trials, where some useful results can be obtained without exactly
reproducing the target conditions. Sometimes people are more motivated by
helping in an experiment than they are by other factors. For instance if you
say you are doing research on aerobic exercise you may easily persuade people
to run round the block, but if you ask your friends to run round the block
because watching them sweat gives you pleasure you are more likely to get a
punch on the nose than compliance. In other words, participation in research
may produce more motivation than friendship can. On the other hand with
educational materials, paid subjects may well process the material politely but
without the same kind of attempt to engage with it that wanting to earn a
qualification may produce. In general, as the literature on cognitive
dissonance showed, money probably produces a different kind of motivation. The
need for the right motivation in subjects, like the need for the right level of
knowledge, is a pressure towards using the actual target classes in evaluation
Asking students at the end of an educational intervention (EI — for
example a piece of courseware) what they feel about it is of some interest, as
teachers would prefer that students enjoy courses. However learning gains are
a far more important outcome in most teachers' view, and attitudes are very
weak as a measure of that educational effect. Attitudes seem to be mainly an
expression of how the experience compared to expectations. With CAL, at least
currently, attitudes vary widely even within a class but above all across
classes in different parts of the university. For instance we have observed
some student groups who had the feeling that CAL was state of the art material
that they were privileged to experience, and other groups who viewed it as a
device by negligent staff to avoid the teaching which the students had paid
for. In one case, even late in a course of computer mediated seminars that in
the judgement of the teaching staff and on measures of content and
contributions was much more successful than the non-computer form they
replaced, about 10% of the students were still expressing the view that if they
had known in advance that they would be forced to do this they would have
chosen another course. Thus students express quite strongly positive and
negative views about a piece of courseware that often seem unrelated to their
actual educational value. This view of attitudes being determined by
expectation not by real value is supported by the corollary observation that
when the same measures are applied to lectures (as we did in a study that
directly compared a lecture with a piece of CAL), students did not express
strong views. In followup focus groups, however, it emerged that they had low
expectations of lectures, and their experience of them was as expected;
whereas the CAL often elicited vocal criticisms even though they learned
successfully from it, and overall brought out many more comments both positive
and negative reflecting a wide range of attitudes, presumably because prior
expectations were not uniform in this group.
Measuring the shift in attitude instead (i.e. replacing a single post-EI
attitude measure by pre- and post-measures of attitude) does not solve the
problem. A big positive shift could just mean that the student had been
apprehensive and was relieved by the actual experience, a big negative shift
might mean they had had unrealistic expectations, and no shift would mean that
they had had accurate expectations but might mean either great or small
These criticisms of attitude measures also apply in principle to the course
feedback questionnaires now becoming widespread in UK universities. As has
been shown (e.g. Marsh 1987), these have a useful level of validity because, we
believe, students' expectations are reasonably well educated by their
experience of other courses: so a course that is rated badly compared to others
probably really does have problems. However students' widely varying
expectations of CAL as opposed to more familiar teaching methods render these
measures much less useful in this context, increasing the importance of other
measures. Attitudes are still important to measure, however, as teachers are
likely to want to respond to them, and perhaps attempt to manage them.
Confidence logs ask students, not whether they thought an EI was
enjoyable or valuable, but whether they (now) feel confident of having attained
some learning objective. Like attitude measures, they are an indirect measure
of learning whose validity is open to question. They have been of great
practical importance however because they take up much less student time than
the quizzes that measure learning more directly, and so can be applied more
frequently e.g once an hour during an afternoon of mixed activities.
By and large confidence logs can be taken as necessary but not sufficient
evidence: if students show no increase in confidence after an EI it is unlikely
that they learned that item on that occasion, while if they do show an increase
then corroboration from quiz scores is advisable as a check against over
confidence on the students' part. Even the occasional drop in confidence that
we have measured is consistent with this view: in that case, a practical
exercise seems to have convinced most students that they had more to learn to
master the topic than they had realised. We have often used confidence logs
several times during a long EI, and quizzes once at the end. In these
conditions, the quizzes give direct evidence about whether each learning
objective was achieved, while the confidence logs indicate which parts of the
EI were important for this gain.
Although knowledge quizzes are a relatively direct measure of learning,
they too are subject to questions about their validity. When scores on one
item are low this could be due either to poor delivery of material for that
learning objective or because the quiz item was a poor test of it or otherwise
defective. When we feed back the raw results to the teacher they may
immediately reconsider the quiz item (which they themselves designed), or
reconsider the teaching. Although this may sound like a methodological swamp
when described in the abstract, in practice such questions are usually resolved
fairly easily by interviewing the students about the item. Thus our studies
are not much different from other practical diagnostic tasks such as tracking
down a domestic electrical fault: it is always possible that the "new" light
bulb you put in was itself faulty, but provided you keep such possibilities in
mind it is not hard to run cross checks that soon provide a consistent story of
where the problem or problems lie.
Much of the usefulness of both quizzes and confidence logs comes from their
diagnostic power, which in turn comes from the way they are specific to
learning objectives, each of which is tested as a separate item. For instance
when one item shows little or no gain compared to the others, teachers can
focus on improving delivery for that objective. Such differential results
simultaneously give some confidence that the measures are working (and not
suffering from ceiling or floor effects), that much of the learning is
proceeding satisfactorily, that there are specific problems, and where those
problems are located. In other words they both give confidence in the measures
and strongly suggest (to the teachers at least) what might be done about the
problems. In this respect they are much more useful than measures applied to
interventions as a whole (such as course feedback questionnaires), which even
when their results are accepted by teachers as indicating a problem (which they
often are not), are not helpful in suggesting what to change.
In many educational studies, measures of learning outcomes are taken not
only before and immediately after the EI, but also some weeks or months later
at a delayed post-test. This is usually done to measure whether material,
learned at the time, is soon forgotten. In higher education, however, there is
an opposite reason: both staff and students often express the view that the
important part of learning is not during EIs such as lectures or labs, but at
revision time or other self-organised study times. If this is true, then there
might be no gains shown at an immediate post-test, only at a delayed test.
This all seems to make it clear that the best measure would be the
difference between pre-test and delayed post-test. However there is an
inescapable problem with this: that any changes might be due to other factors,
such as revision classes, going to text books etc. Indeed this is very likely,
both from external factors (other activities relating to the same topic), and
also from a possible internal factor that might be called "auto compensation".
In higher education students are given a lot of responsibility for their
learning, and how they go about it. This means that if they find one resource
unsatisfactory or unlikeable, they are likely to compensate by seeking out a
remedial source. Thus, for instance, bad lectures may not cause bad exam
results because the students will go to textbooks, and similarly great
courseware may not cause better exam results but simply allow students to get
the same effect with less work from books.
Thus although we gather delayed test results (e.g. from exams) when we can,
these really only give information on the effect of the course as a whole
including all resources. Only immediate post-tests can pick out the effects of
a specific EI such as a piece of CAL, even if important aspects of learning and
reflection may only take place later.
All the above points have been about measures that are taken
systematically across the whole set of subjects and can be compared
quantitatively. More important than all of them however are the less formal
open-ended measures (e.g. personal observations, focus groups, interviews with
open-ended questions). This is true firstly because most of what we have
learned about our methods and how they should be improved has come from such
unplanned observations: about what was actually going on as opposed to what we
had planned to measure. Not only have we drawn on them to make the arguments
here about big issues, but also they have often been important in interpreting
small things. For instance in one formative study there was really only one
serious problem where all the students got stuck, but not all of them commented
on this clearly in the paper instruments. It was only our own observation that
made this stand out clearly, and so made us focus on the paper measures around
this point. Open-ended measures are also often valued by the teachers:
transcribed comments are a rich source of insight to them.
Our studies were often thought of as studies of the software and its
effects. The problem with this view was brought home to us in an early study
of Zoology simulation software being used in a lab class as one "experiment"
out of about six that students rotated between. We observed that the teacher
running the class would wait until students at the software station had
finished their basic run through and then engage them at this well chosen
moment in a tutorial dialogue to bring out the important conceptual points.
Obviously any learning gains recorded could not be simply ascribed to the
software: they might very well depend on this human tutoring. This was not
anything the documentation had suggested, nor anything the teacher had
mentioned to us: it was basically unplanned good teaching. On the other hand,
the teacher's first priority in being there was to manage the lab i.e. handling
problems of people, equipment, materials would have had first priority, so
there was no guarantee of these tutorial interactions being delivered.
This showed that our studies could not be thought of as controlled experiments,
but had the advantages and disadvantages of realistic classroom studies. We
could have suppressed additional teacher input and studied the effect of the
software by itself, but this would have given the students less support and in
fact been unrealistic. We could have insisted on the tutoring as part of the
EI being studied. This is sometimes justified as "using the software strictly
in the way for which it was designed". But there are several problems with
this: firstly, having a supervising teacher free for this is not something that
could be guaranteed, so such a study would, like excluding tutoring, achieve
uniform conditions at the expense of studying real conditions (it would have
required twice the staff: one to manage the lab, one to do the tutorials).
Secondly, in fact we would not have known that this was the appropriate
condition to study, as neither the designers nor the teacher had planned this
in advance: like a lot of teaching, such good practice is not a codified skill
available for evaluators to consult when designing experiments, but rather
something that may be observed and reported by them.
Our studies, then, observe and can report real classroom practice. They are
thus "ecologically valid". They cannot be regarded as well controlled
experiments. On the other hand, although any such experiment might be
replicable in another experiment, it would probably not predict what results
would be obtained in real teaching. Our studies cannot be seen as observing
"the effect of the software", but rather the combined effect of the overall
teaching and learning situation. Complementary tutoring was one additional
factor in this situation. Another mentioned earlier was external coercion to
make students use the software at all (a bigger factor in determining learning
outcomes than any feature of the software design). Some others should also be
In one study, a class was set to using some courseware. After watching
them work for a bit, the teacher saw that very few notes were being taken and
said "You could consider taking notes." Immediately all students began writing
extensively. After a few minutes she couldn't bear it and said "You don't have
to copy down every word", and again every students' behaviour changed. These
students were in fact mature students, doing an education course, and in most
matters less suggestible than typical students and more reflective about
learning methods. Their extreme suggestibility here seems to reflect that, in
contrast to lectures, say, there is no current student culture for learning
from CAL from which they can draw study methods. The study habits they do
employ are likely to have large effects on what they learn, but cannot be
regarded as either a constant of the situation (what students will normally do)
or as a personality characteristic. From the evaluation point of view it is an
unstable factor. From the teaching viewpoint, it is probably something that
needs active design and management. Again, it is a factor that neither
designer nor teacher had planned in advance.
The Hawthorne effect is named after a study of work design in which
whatever changes were made to the method of working, productivity went up, and
the researcher concluded that the effect on the workers of being studied, and
the concern and expectations that that implied, were having a bigger effect
than changes to the method in themselves. Applied to studies of CAL, one might
in principle distinguish between a Hawthorne effect of the CAL itself, and a
Hawthorne effect of the evaluation. As to the latter, we have not seen any
evidence of students being flattered or learning better just because we were
observing them. In principle one could test this by comparing an obtrusive
evaluation with one based only on exams and other class assessment, but we have
not attempted this. Perhaps more interesting is the possibility, also not yet
tested, that evaluation instruments such as confidence logs may enhance
learning by promoting reflection and self-monitoring by students. Should this
be the case, such instruments could easily become a permanent part of course
materials (like self-assessment questions) to maintain the benefit.
As to the effect from the CAL i.e. of learning being improved because students
and perhaps teachers regard the CAL as glamourous advanced material, this is
probably often the case, but we expect there equally to be cases of negative
Hawthorne effects, as some groups of students regard it from the outset as a
bad thing. We cannot control or measure this effect precisely: unlike studies
of medicines but like studies of surgical procedures, it is not possible to
prevent subjects from knowing what "treatment" they are getting, and any
psychological effects of expectations to be activated. However it does mean
that measuring students' attitudes to CAL should probably be done in every
study, so that the likely direction of any effect is known. (This implies, in
fact, that the most impressive CAL is that which achieves good learning gains
even with students who don't like it — clearly that CAL is having more
than a placebo effect.)
Our work began by trying to apply a wide range of instruments. We then
went through a period of rapid adjustment to the needs and constraints of the
situations in which our opportunities to evaluate occurred. In earlier
sections we have described the components of our method, and then the issues
which impressed themselves upon us as we adapted. What, in retrospect, are the
essential features of our resulting method?
Our approach is empirical: based on observing learning, not on judgements made
by non-learners, expert or otherwise. Our studies have usually been felt to be
useful by the teachers, even when we ourselves have felt that the issues were
obvious and did not warrant the effort of a study: simply presenting the
observations, measures, and collected student comments without any comment of
our own has had a much greater power to convince teachers and start them
actively changing things than any expert review would have had.
This power of real observations applies equally to ourselves: we have in
particular learned a great amount from open-ended measures and observations,
which is how the unexpected can be detected. We therefore always include them,
as well as planning to measure pre-identified issues. The chief of the latter
are learning gains, which we always attempt to measure. Our measures for this
(confidence logs and quizzes) are related directly to learning objectives,
which gives these measures direct diagnostic power.
Tests on CAL in any situation other than the intended teaching one are only
weakly informative, hence our focus on classroom studies. This is because
learning, especially in higher education, depends on the whole teaching and
learning situation, comprising many factors, not just the "material" (e.g. book
or courseware). You have only to consider the effects on learning of leaving a
book in a pub for "free access use", versus using it as a set text on a course,
backed up by instructions on what to read, how it will be tested, and tutorials
to answer questions. In any study there is a tension between the aims of
science and education, between isolating factors and measuring their effects
separately, and observing learning as it normally occurs with a view to
maximising it in real situations. Our approach is closer to the latter
emphasis. Partly because of this, these studies are crucially dependent on
collaboration with the teacher, both for their tacit expertise in teaching and
their explicit expertise in the subject being taught, which are both important
in interpreting the observations and results.
Ours is therefore distinct from various other approaches to evaluation. It
differs from the checklist approach (e.g. Machell & Saunders; 1991)
because it is "student centered" in the sense that it is based on observation
of what students actually do and feel. It differs from simply asking students
their opinion of a piece of CAL because it attempts to measure learning, and to
do this separately for each learning objective. It differs from simple pre-
and post-testing designs because the substantial and systematic use of
open-ended observation in real classroom situations often allows us to identify
and report important factors that had not been foreseen.
It also differs from production oriented evaluation, geared around the
production of course material. These are similar in spirit to software
engineering approaches in that they tend to assume that all the decisions about
how teaching is delivered are "design decisions" and either are or should be
taken in advance by a remote design team and held fixed once they have been
tested and approved. In contrast our approach is to be prepared to observe and
assist in the many local adaptations of how CAL is used that occur in practice,
and to evaluate the local situation and practice as much as the CAL. It is our
experience that designers of CAL frequently do not design in detail the
teaching within which its use will be embedded, that teachers make many local
adaptations just as they do for all other teaching, and that even if designers
did prescribe use many teachers would still modify that use, just as they do
that of textbooks.
The food industry provides an analogy to this contrast. Prepared food ready
for reheating is carefully designed to produce consistent results to which the
end user contributes almost nothing. The instructions on the packaging attempt
to ensure this by prescribing their actions. Production oriented evaluation is
appropriate for this. In contrast, supplying ingredients (meat, vegetables,
etc.) for home cooking involves rather different issues. Clearly studies of
how cooks use ingredients are important to improving supplies. However while
some meals such as grilled fish and salads depend strongly on the quality of
the ingredients, others such as pies, stews and curries were originally
designed to make the best of low quality ingredients, and remain so successful
that they are still widely valued. Such recipes are most easily varied for
special dietry needs, most dependent on the cook's skills, and most easily
adapted depending on what ingredients are available. Production oriented
evaluation, organised as if there were one ideal form of the recipe, is not
appropriate: rather an approach like ours that studies the whole situation is
called for.
Having described and discussed many aspects of our approach, and having
tried to summarise its core features, we now turn to the question of what, in
retrospect, the uses of studies like ours turn out to be. We consider in turn
five possible uses: formative, summative, illuminative, integrative, and QA
"Formative evaluation" is testing done with a view to modifying the
software to solve any problems detected. Some of our studies have been
formative, and contributed to improvements before release of the software.
Because the aim is modification, the testing needs not only to detect the
existence of a problem (symptom detection) but if possible to suggest what
modification should be done: it needs to be diagnostic and suggestive of a
remedy. Open-ended measures are therefore vital here to gather information
about the nature of any problem (e.g. do students misunderstand some item on
the screen, or does it assume too much prior knowledge, or what?). However our
learning measures (quizzes and confidence logs) are also useful here because,
as they are mostly broken down into learning objectives, they are diagnostic
and indicate with which objective the problem is occurring. In formative
applications we might sharpen this further by asking students after each short
section of the courseware (which would usually correspond to a distinct
learning objective) to give ratings for the presentation, for the content, and
for their confidence about a learning objective (the one the designers thought
corresponded to that section), and also perhaps answer quiz items.
However many problems cannot be accurately detected without using realistic
subjects and conditions, for reasons given earlier. Both apparent problems and
apparent successes may change or disappear when real students with real
motivations use the courseware. By that time however the software is by
definition in use, and modifications to future versions of the software may not
be the most important issue.
"Summative evaluation" refers to studies done after implementation is
complete, to sum up observed performance in some way, for instance consumer
reports on microwave ovens. It could be used to inform decisions about which
product to select, for example. They can be multi-dimensional in what they
report, but in fact depend on there being a fairly narrow definition of how the
device is to be used, and for what. As we have seen, this does not apply to
the use of CAL in higher education. What matters most are the overall learning
outcomes, but these are not determined only or mainly by the CAL: motivation,
coercion, and other teaching and learning activities and resources are all
crucial and these vary widely across situations. It is probably not sensible
in practice to take the view that how a piece of courseware is used should be
standardised, any more than a textbook should only be sold to teachers who
promise to use it in a particular way.
It is not sensible to design experiments to show whether CAL is better than
lectures, any more than whether textbooks are good for learning:it all depends
on the particular book, lecture, or piece of CAL. Slightly less obviously, it
is not sensible to run experiments to test how effective a piece of CAL is,
because learning is jointly determined by many factors and these vary widely
across the situations that occur in practice. Well controlled experiments can
be designed and run, but their results cannot predict effectiveness in any
other situation than the artificial one tested because other factors have big
effects. This means that we probably cannot even produce summative evaluations
as systematic as consumer reports on ovens. Ovens are effectively the sole
cause of cooking for food placed in them, while CAL is probably more like the
role of an open window in cooling a room in summer: crucial, but with effects
that depend as much on the situation as they do on the design of the window.
However this does not mean that no useful summative evaluation is possible.
When you are selecting a textbook or piece of CAL for use you may have to do
this on the basis of a few reviews, but you would certainly like to hear that
someone had used it in earnest on a class, and how that turned out. The more
the situation is like your own, the more detailed measures are reported, and
the more issues (e.g. need for tutorial support) identified as critical, the
more useful such a report would be. In this weak but important sense,
summative evaluations of CAL are useful. Many of our studies have performed
summatively in this way, allowing developers to show enquirers that the
software has been used and tested, and with substantial details of its
"Illuminative evaluation" is a term introduced by Parlett & Hamilton
(1972) to denote an observational approach inspired by ethnographic rather than
experimental traditions and methods. (See also Parlett & Dearden (1977).)
Its aim is to discover, not how an EI (educational intervention) performs on
standard measures, but what the factors and issues are that are important to
the participants in that particular situation, or which seem evidently crucial
to a close observer.
The importance of this has certainly impressed itelf upon us, leading to our
stress on the open-ended methods that have taught us so much. In particular,
they allow us to identify and report on factors important in particular cases,
which is an important aspect of our summative reports, given the
situation-dependent nature of learning. They have also allowed us to identify
factors that are probably of wider importance, such as the instability but
importance of the study methods that students bring to bear on CAL material.
Thus our studies have an important illuminative aspect and function, although
they combine it with systematic comparative methods, as Parlett & Hamilton
originally recommended. Whether we have achieved the right balance or
compromise is harder to judge.
Although our studies can and have performed the traditional formative and
summative functions discussed above, in a number of cases we have seen a new
role for them emerge of perhaps greater benefit. The experience for a typical
client of ours (i.e. someone responsible for a course) is of initially low
expectations of usefulness for the evaluation — after all, if they had
serious doubts about whether the planned teaching was satisfactory they would
already have started to modify it. However when they see the results of our
evaluation, they may find on the one hand confirmation that many of their
objectives are indeed being satisfactorily achieved (and now they have better
evidence of this than before), and on the other hand that some did
unexpectedly poorly — but that they can immediately think of ways to
tackle this by adjusting aspects of the delivered teaching without large costs
in effort or other resources. For example, a particular item shown to be
unsuccessfully handled by the software alone might be specifically addressed
in a lecture, supplemented by a new handout, or become the focus of companion
tutorials. This is not very different from the way that teachers dynamically
adjust their teaching in the light of other feedback e.g. audience reaction,
and is a strength of any face to face course where at least some elements
(e.g. what is said, handouts, new OHP slides) can be modified quickly. The
difference is in the quality of the feedback information. Because our
approach to evaluation is based around each teacher's own statement of
learning objectives, and around the teacher's own test items, the results are
directly relevant to how the teacher thinks about the course and what they are
trying to achieve: so it is not surprising that teachers find it useful.
An example of this is a recent study of automated psychology labs, where
students work their way through a series of computer-mediated experiments and
complete reports in an accompanying booklet. In fact the objectives addressed
by the software were all performing well, but the evaluation showed that the
weakest point was in writing the discussion section of the reports, which was
not properly supported. This focussed diagnosis immediately suggested (to the
teacher) a remedy that will be now be acted on (a new specialised worksheet and
a new topic for tutorials), where previous generalised complaints had not been
taken as indicating a fault with the teaching.
How does this kind of evaluation fit in with the other kinds of available
feedback about teaching? The oldest and probably most trusted kind of feedback
in university teaching is direct verbal questions, complaints, and comments
from students to teachers. Undoubtedly many local problems are quickly and
dynamically adjusted in this way. Its disadvantages, which grow greater with
larger class sizes, are that the teacher cannot tell how representative of the
class each comment is, and that obviously "typical" students do not comment
because only a very small, self-selected, number of students get to do this.
Course feedback questionnaires get round this problem of representativeness by
getting feedback from all students. However they are generally used only once
a term, and so are usually designed to ask about general aspects of the course,
such as whether the lecturer is enthusiastic, well-organised, and so on. It is
not easy for teachers to see how to change their behaviour to affect such broad
issues, which are certainly not directly about specific content (which after
all is the whole point of the course), how well it is being learned, and how
teachers could support that learning better. Our methods are more detailed,
but crucially they are much more diagnostic: much more likely to make it easy
for teachers to think of a relevant change to address the problem.
This constitutes a new role for evaluation that may be called "integrative":
evaluation aimed at improving teaching and learning by better integration of
the CAL material into the overall situation. It is not primarily either
formative or summative of the software, as what is both measured and modified
is most often not the software but surrounding materials and activities. It is
not merely reporting on measurements as summative evaluation is, because it
typically leads to immediate action in the form of changes. It could therefore
be called formative evaluation of the overall teaching situation, but we call
it "integrative" to suggest the nature of the changes it leads to. This role
for evaluation is compatible with the issues that are problems for the role of
summative evaluation, such as observing only whole situations and the net
effect of many influences on learning. After all, that is what teachers are in
fact really concerned with: not the properties of CAL, but the delivery of
effective teaching and learning using CAL.
Such integrative evaluation can also be useful in connection with the QA
(quality audit, assessment, or assurance) procedures being introduced in UK
universities, and in fact can equally be applied to non-CAL teaching. Firstly
it provides much better than normal evidence about quality already achieved.
Secondly it demonstrates that quality is being actively monitored using
extensive student-based measures. Thirdly, since it usually leads to
modifications by the teachers without any outside prompting, it provides
evidence of teachers acting on results to improve quality. Thus performing
integrative evaluations can leave the teachers in the position of far exceeding
current QA standards, while improving their teaching in their own terms.
These advantages stem from our adoption of the same objectives-based approach
that the positive side of QA is concerned with. In practice it can have the
further advantage that teachers can use the evaluation episode to work up the
written statement of their objectives in a context where this brings them some
direct benefit, and where the statements get debugged in the attempt to
associate them with test items. They can then re-use them for any QA paperwork
they may be asked for at some other time. This can overcome the resistance
many feel when objectives appear as a paper exercise divorced from any function
contributing to the teaching.
Our approach has various limitations associated with the emphasis on
particular classroom episodes. We have not developed convincing tests of deep
as opposed to shallow learning (Marton et al.; 1984): of understanding as
opposed to the ability to answer short quiz items. Thus we have almost always
looked at many small learning objectives, rather than how to test for large
ones concerning the understanding of central but complex concepts. This should
not be incompatible with our approach, but will require work to enable us to
suggest to our clients how to develop such test items. Similarly we have
considered, but not achieved, measures of a student's effective intention in a
given learning situation (their "task grasp") which probably determines whether
they do deep learning, shallow learning or no learning. For instance, when a
student is working through a lab class is she essentially acting to get through
the afternoon, to complete the worksheet, to get the "right" result, or to
explore scientific concepts? The same issue is important in CAL, and probably
determines whether students flip through the screens, read them through once
expecting learning to just happen, or actively engage in some definite agenda
of their own.
It is also important to keep in mind a more profound limitation of the scope of
such studies: they are about how particular teaching materials perform, and how
to adjust the overall situation to improve learning. Such studies are unlikely
to initiate big changes and perhaps big improvements such as a shift from
topic-based to problem-based learning, or the abandonment of lectures in favour
of other learning activities. They will not replace the research that goes
into important educational advances, although they can, we believe, be useful
in making the best of such advances by adjusting their application when they
are introduced. Integrative evaluation is likely to promote small and local
evolutionary adaptations, not revolutionary advances.
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