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Q&A format lecture notes for lecture 9: Questionnaires

Header details

Date page last modified
Who maintains the web page: Tom Acorn
Who decides the content (has editorial responsibility): Tom Acorn, Dick Beech, Harriet Cobb.
Lecture 9 (Tuesday of week 5)
Topic: questionnaires

The questions

What's the cheapest way to get large quantities of data?
Questionnaires: but they aren't best in all ways.
How do you design questionnaires?
See the big handout's section on questionnaires.

Here is the questionnaire I did for exercise B as an example. [link to a separate page]

[Link to an online questionnaire as an example]

Credits, Acknowledgements

Acks to all contributors

Who did what in the team. E.g. Tom edited the web page, Dick did the crucial first draft in an hour, Harry managed the replies to all the email discussion; or

Report on the process

State how many messages the team sent, and how many they received from non-team-members.

Remarks on whether the exercise was useful, impossible; whether different tools might have made the collaboration work better.